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讀類科、及其他可能影響電腦素養的因素。共施測10 校,回收有效問卷549
份,回收率達83.06%。應用平均數、標準差、t 考驗、及單因子變異數分析
的電腦素養均有顯著差異,且以使用3 小時以上者優於零時間者。
面的電腦素養均有顯著差異,且以使用1 小時以上者優於零時間者。
This study was intended as an investigation of the computer literacy of students in vocational industrial high schools and the related factors. The results of the research could be used to provide further suggestions as references to enhance students’ computer literacy. Literature review was first conducted to understand the content of computer literacy. Then, after the examination of experts and a pilot test, a questionnaire was created as the research main tool. Finally, the questionnaires were answered by the second year students of 10 public and private vocational industrial high schools in Taoyuan. The 549 questionnaires responded were effective, accounting for 83.06% of the total questionnaires mailed. To achieve the result, statistic analytical methods including means, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were applied. The results are in the following. 1. In the aspect of computer literacy, vocational industrial high school students in Taoyuan reach the middle level or above. Both male and female students reveal no significant difference in cognition, skill and affection aspects of computer literacy. 2. Students of different departments show a significant difference in cognition and skill aspects of computer literacy. Students of Departments of Electric Engineering and Electronic Engineering performed better than those of Mechanical Engineering. 3. Students of related computer clubs performed better in the skill aspect of computer literacy than those of non-computer clubs. 4. The factors including whether students have computers at home, whether they have Internet access at home and who the computer instructor is play important roles in the cognition, skill aspects of computer literacy. Students equipped with the factors had better performances. 5. The length of time students spending on computers reaches the significant values in the cognition and skill aspect of computer literacy. Students spending more than 3 hours are better performers. 6. The length of time students searching on Internet per week meets the significant differences. Students spending more than 1 hour are better. According to the results obtained, suggestions could be provided to students, parents, computer instructors, schools and further study.
This study was intended as an investigation of the computer literacy of students in vocational industrial high schools and the related factors. The results of the research could be used to provide further suggestions as references to enhance students’ computer literacy. Literature review was first conducted to understand the content of computer literacy. Then, after the examination of experts and a pilot test, a questionnaire was created as the research main tool. Finally, the questionnaires were answered by the second year students of 10 public and private vocational industrial high schools in Taoyuan. The 549 questionnaires responded were effective, accounting for 83.06% of the total questionnaires mailed. To achieve the result, statistic analytical methods including means, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were applied. The results are in the following. 1. In the aspect of computer literacy, vocational industrial high school students in Taoyuan reach the middle level or above. Both male and female students reveal no significant difference in cognition, skill and affection aspects of computer literacy. 2. Students of different departments show a significant difference in cognition and skill aspects of computer literacy. Students of Departments of Electric Engineering and Electronic Engineering performed better than those of Mechanical Engineering. 3. Students of related computer clubs performed better in the skill aspect of computer literacy than those of non-computer clubs. 4. The factors including whether students have computers at home, whether they have Internet access at home and who the computer instructor is play important roles in the cognition, skill aspects of computer literacy. Students equipped with the factors had better performances. 5. The length of time students spending on computers reaches the significant values in the cognition and skill aspect of computer literacy. Students spending more than 3 hours are better performers. 6. The length of time students searching on Internet per week meets the significant differences. Students spending more than 1 hour are better. According to the results obtained, suggestions could be provided to students, parents, computer instructors, schools and further study.
高級工業職業學校, 電腦素養, 電腦素養項目, vocational industrial high school, computer literacy, the content of computer literacy