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本研究分為問卷調查及眼動實驗兩階段進行,問卷調查以322位台中市某國中二年級學生為實驗參與者,得知參與者課外閱讀相關習慣與偏好;第二階段則根據問卷調查,立意抽樣選出實驗參與者92位,進行眼動儀視覺圖像搜尋實驗,再分析課外閱讀習慣在視覺圖像搜尋之差異性,並依據研究目的,將結論分為課外閱讀習慣與相關背景、課外閱讀形式(印刷紙本、電子媒體)與類型(文字為主、圖像為主)、搜尋答題情形、搜尋答題時間、眼動資料、眼動軌跡熱區圖六部分。1. 課外閱讀習慣與相關背景:性別及學業表現在課外閱讀習慣具有顯著交互作用;性別在課外活動偏好類型上有顯著差異;性別及學業表現在自認最擅長的學術科上,皆有顯著效果;「劇情小說」、「幽默笑話」分別為國中生最有興趣的課外讀物主題與劇情。2. 課外閱讀形式與類型:情感、功能及日常習慣造成課外閱讀形式偏好差異;而認知理解程度影響課外閱讀類型偏好;女生、學業表現高者、偏好文字讀物者對於長篇文章的接受度高;圖像型讀物喜好排序普遍為長篇漫畫>四格漫畫>繪本或單格漫畫。3. 搜尋答題情形:對目標物具有完整先備知識及細節記憶者,答對情形較高;學業表現高者在搜尋文句提示具體、明確之目標物時,答對情形顯著高於學業表現低者;喜好文字閱讀者在搜尋文句提示抽象、廣泛聯想之目標物,答對情形顯著高於喜好圖像閱讀者。4. 搜尋答題時間:刺激物中,目標物與干擾物間的關係,影響搜尋時間長短;喜好文字閱讀者在搜尋答題時間普遍短於喜好圖像閱讀者;閱讀形式媒介使用習慣將會影響答題情形與答題時間。5. 眼動資料部分:對目標物有較熟練且完整的先備知識,平均注視時間較短;圖像分佈較分散者,平均掃視幅度較大;答題時間長短與注視次數及掃視次數有正向關係;刺激物畫面豐富度高者,平均瞳孔大小則較大。6. 眼動軌跡熱區圖:不同答題情形、答題時間及參與者認知差異,影響軌跡熱區圖結果;搜尋模式有漸進擴張及跳耀式差異;刺激物密集處注視點密集,但在相同刺激物實驗上,會因提示目標物不同,而有所差異;因參與者答題差異,可分為5種熱區圖結果。
This study was conducted in two parts: the survey and the eye movement experiment. The survey which included 322 second-year junior high school students in Taichung city revealed the participants’ extracurricular reading habits and preferences. In the second phase, according to the survey, 92 participants were randomly selected for an eye movement tracking visual image search experiment and the differences of the extracurricular reading habits versus the visual image search was analyzed. Next, according to the study purpose, the conclusion is divided into six parts including extracurricular reading habits and related background, extracurricular reading mediums (book or screen) and categories (text or graphic), searching and answering, searching and answering time, eye movement data and hot zone. 1. extracurricular reading habits and related background: gender and academic performance appear to have a correlation with the extracurricular reading habits. Gender shows a significant difference on academic disciplines preference and extracurricular activity preference while gender and academic performance have a significant effect on the subjects which students are considered to be good at; “drama” and “humorous stories and jokes” respectively are the extracurricular reading genres that are most popular with junior high school students. 2. extracurricular reading mediums and categories : emotions, functions and daily habits result in the different preferences in extracurricular reading mediums; the cognition and comprehension level has an impact on the preference for extracurricular reading categories; female students, higher academic performers and those who prefer word readers have a higher acceptance for longer articles; in general, the preference for graphic readers by order are comic books>four part comic strips>picture books or one part comic strips. 3. searching and answering: those who have a complete prior knowledge and detailed memory about the targets have a higher percentage of being correct in the answers; higher academic performers significantly outperform lower academic performers in searching for sentences and specific, precise targets; those who prefer text readers outperform those who prefer graphic readers in searching for sentences and abstract, associative targets. 4. searching and answering time: Among the stimulants, the relationship of the targets and the disruptors has an influence on the searching time; those who prefer word readers use less searching time than those who prefer graphic readers; differents preferences of the reading medium will influence answers and answering time. 5. eye movement data: those who have better familiarity and complete prior knowledge towards the targets use less fixation duration on average; the more scattered the images, the wider the averaged saccade amplitude; the answering time is correlated with fixation counts and saccade counts; the richer the stimulating images, the bigger the averaged pupil sizes. 6. hot zone: Different answering conditions, answering time and the participants’ recognitions influence the presentation of the hot zone; there are gradual expanding and jumping differences for searching patterns; the more intensive the stimulants, the more intensive the fixation points, but for the experiment of the same stimulants, various targets bring forth differences; five hot zones can be identified according to the answering differences from the participants.
This study was conducted in two parts: the survey and the eye movement experiment. The survey which included 322 second-year junior high school students in Taichung city revealed the participants’ extracurricular reading habits and preferences. In the second phase, according to the survey, 92 participants were randomly selected for an eye movement tracking visual image search experiment and the differences of the extracurricular reading habits versus the visual image search was analyzed. Next, according to the study purpose, the conclusion is divided into six parts including extracurricular reading habits and related background, extracurricular reading mediums (book or screen) and categories (text or graphic), searching and answering, searching and answering time, eye movement data and hot zone. 1. extracurricular reading habits and related background: gender and academic performance appear to have a correlation with the extracurricular reading habits. Gender shows a significant difference on academic disciplines preference and extracurricular activity preference while gender and academic performance have a significant effect on the subjects which students are considered to be good at; “drama” and “humorous stories and jokes” respectively are the extracurricular reading genres that are most popular with junior high school students. 2. extracurricular reading mediums and categories : emotions, functions and daily habits result in the different preferences in extracurricular reading mediums; the cognition and comprehension level has an impact on the preference for extracurricular reading categories; female students, higher academic performers and those who prefer word readers have a higher acceptance for longer articles; in general, the preference for graphic readers by order are comic books>four part comic strips>picture books or one part comic strips. 3. searching and answering: those who have a complete prior knowledge and detailed memory about the targets have a higher percentage of being correct in the answers; higher academic performers significantly outperform lower academic performers in searching for sentences and specific, precise targets; those who prefer text readers outperform those who prefer graphic readers in searching for sentences and abstract, associative targets. 4. searching and answering time: Among the stimulants, the relationship of the targets and the disruptors has an influence on the searching time; those who prefer word readers use less searching time than those who prefer graphic readers; differents preferences of the reading medium will influence answers and answering time. 5. eye movement data: those who have better familiarity and complete prior knowledge towards the targets use less fixation duration on average; the more scattered the images, the wider the averaged saccade amplitude; the answering time is correlated with fixation counts and saccade counts; the richer the stimulating images, the bigger the averaged pupil sizes. 6. hot zone: Different answering conditions, answering time and the participants’ recognitions influence the presentation of the hot zone; there are gradual expanding and jumping differences for searching patterns; the more intensive the stimulants, the more intensive the fixation points, but for the experiment of the same stimulants, various targets bring forth differences; five hot zones can be identified according to the answering differences from the participants.
國中生, 課外閱讀, 視覺搜尋, 眼球運動, junior high school students, extracurricular reading habits, visual search, eye movement