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本研究旨在以參與產學攜手合作專班之高職三年級學生為對象,以 Federick Herzberg 所提出之雙因子理論為基礎,探討探討學生於職場實習時保健-激勵因子與職場學習成效的關係,以學生之個人背景變項為自變項,保健-激勵因子及職場學習成效為依變項,進一步分析不同背景的高職生在職場實習時,對保健-激勵因子與職場學習成效的差異情形,以及保健-激勵因子與職場學習成效之間的相關性。
本研究採問卷調查法,為達研究目的,首先經由文獻探討所得之理論架構發展調查問卷,針對參與產學攜手合作專班之高職學校,約1,900名學生,按比例分層叢集抽樣抽取640名,受調查之有效樣本共計589 位,有效問卷回收率為94.5%,並輔以描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等方法進行資料處理與分析。
This research mainly takes the Federick Herzberg’s two-factor theory as the basis. The main purpose of the research was to investigate the relationship between vocational high students’ hygiene-motivation factor and internship performance. The framework of this study takes personal background of the students in Industrial-Academic Cooperation Plan as independent variables, and the hygiene-motivation factor and internship performance as dependent variables, discussing if there exists any explicit difference between individual attributes to the identification degree of hygiene-motivation factor and internship performance, and if there exists any explicit correlation between them also. This study was proposed utilizing the questionnaire method. To achieve this study purpose was the collection of the relevant background with regard to the hygiene-motivation factor and internship performance. The literature gathered established the framework of the research. The population of the investigation was around 1,900 students in Industrial-Academic Cooperation Plan. 640, drawn by proportional stratified cluster sampling by the effective sample of the survey a total of 589, and the valid response rate was 94.5%. The data collected was analyzed using the statistics methods, including descriptive analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The 12 conclusions drawn from statistic findings, based on the findings, 8 suggestions were provided for the authorities and the academia organizations as references. Finally, for those researchers who would be interested in this field, 4 recommendations in subjects, variables, methods, mailed survey and instruments were proposed for reference.
This research mainly takes the Federick Herzberg’s two-factor theory as the basis. The main purpose of the research was to investigate the relationship between vocational high students’ hygiene-motivation factor and internship performance. The framework of this study takes personal background of the students in Industrial-Academic Cooperation Plan as independent variables, and the hygiene-motivation factor and internship performance as dependent variables, discussing if there exists any explicit difference between individual attributes to the identification degree of hygiene-motivation factor and internship performance, and if there exists any explicit correlation between them also. This study was proposed utilizing the questionnaire method. To achieve this study purpose was the collection of the relevant background with regard to the hygiene-motivation factor and internship performance. The literature gathered established the framework of the research. The population of the investigation was around 1,900 students in Industrial-Academic Cooperation Plan. 640, drawn by proportional stratified cluster sampling by the effective sample of the survey a total of 589, and the valid response rate was 94.5%. The data collected was analyzed using the statistics methods, including descriptive analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The 12 conclusions drawn from statistic findings, based on the findings, 8 suggestions were provided for the authorities and the academia organizations as references. Finally, for those researchers who would be interested in this field, 4 recommendations in subjects, variables, methods, mailed survey and instruments were proposed for reference.
產學攜手合作計畫, 雙因子理論, 高職生, Industrial-Academic Cooperation Plan, two-factor theory, vocational high students