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本文以Halliday的三大純理功能為分析架構,分別為:「概念」、「篇章」與「人際」,三個層面。並從兩個語料庫著手蒐集副詞「明明」的真實語料,作為研究材料。兩個語料庫分別為:「聯合知識庫」與「中文詞彙特性速描系統」,共蒐集400的筆語料。從語料中探究漢語副詞「明明」在篇章及語用的語言現象,並將研究結果融入真實教學中。 首先,從篇章的角度探析,副詞「明明」位於主語之後,稱為句內範距。位於主語之前,則稱為句外範距。信息焦點會因著範距大小不同,而有不同的體現:句內範距的範距小,形成「句尾焦點」。而句外範距的範距大,為跨句形式,帶出「對比焦點」。 其次,副詞「明明」的基本篇章架構可以分為五個部分,分別為:〔A〕背景句、〔B〕斷言句、〔C〕預期句、〔D〕反預期句,以及〔E〕前景句。在篇章連貫方面,我們進一步探析反預期句與前景句之間的語義互動關係。兩者間的語義關係可分為五個關係類別,分別為:遞進關係、立論關係、轉折關係、因果關係,以及無下文。 再者,在語用方面,副詞「明明」歸屬於情態詞中的認知情態。其核心語用功能為「反預期」功能。此外,本論文探討「明明從句」和「明明後主句」各與情態詞的共現分布之現象。最後,本論文將依據研究結果,進行對現行華語教材評析,並建議將副詞「明明」之研究結果應用於實際課程中。
In this thesis, the author utilizes empirical data to explore and analyze the semantic, discourse, and pragmatic functions of the Chinese adverb Mingming. The author bases her analysis on the theoretical framework of metafunction as presented in Halliday (1985; 1994), examining the ideational, textual, and interpersonal functions of the grammar. Results of the thesis are substantiated by empirical data composed of 400 tokens of data sourced from two separate corpuses in Taiwan, with the first 200 tokens from the Chinese Word Sketch Engine, and another 200 tokens from United Daily News. From the perspectives of interactions between scope and focus, mingming may serve at the discourse level as either an intra-sentential connector, resulting in an end focus due to the smaller scope, or as an inter-sentential connector, producing instead a contrastive focus due to the cross-sentence scope. Additionally, the basic discourse framework for the adverb mingming may be divided into 5 functions, namely: (1) background; (2) assertion; (3) expectation; (4) counter-expectation; (5) foreground. Through further analysis, the author divides the coherent relation between counter-expectation and foreground into 5 additional types: (1) increment (elaboration); (2) drawing conclusion; (3) contrast; (4) cause-and-effect; (5) no follow-up. At the pragmatic level, mingming exhibits epistemic modality, with a core pragmatic function of expressing counter-expectation. The author moreover examines the co-occurance of modal adverbs in sentences with mingming appearing in both main and subordinate clauses. Finally, at the pedagogical level, the author reviews the content of four Chinese-language textbooks, concluding with a series of teaching suggestions based on the findings of this study.



範距, 銜接, 連貫, 句尾焦點, 對比焦點, 反預期, 情態詞, scope, cohesion, coherence, end focus, contrastive focus, counter-expectation





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