
dc.description.abstract  漢日語皆為「數量分類詞語言」,從數量和功能上來看,一般認為漢語的分類詞系統較日語複雜,而推論日籍學習者學習漢語分類詞時應會遭遇困難,因此本研究期望藉由對比方法以及難度等級,探討日籍學習者漢語分類詞之使用。研究材料的選定利用教學語法的排序理論,選出36個針對日籍學習者應優先教學的漢語分類詞,並依漢日語分類詞的字形字義對應關係,分為「同形同義」、「同形部分義同」、「異形同義」、「異形部分義同」和「無對應」五個類別,進行單向性應用對比分析,並建立成日籍學習者學習漢語分類詞的難度等級模式。   研究的對象為目前在師大國語中心學習的初級和中級日籍學習者各30名,以及作為參照對象的漢語母語者20名,使用依難度等級所設計的測驗卷進行測驗,並以偏誤率的高低作為困難度的檢測依據。採對比分析的弱式觀,解釋偏誤的類型和來源,將測驗中收集的日籍學習者使用漢語分類詞偏誤語料,分為「母語遷移的影響」、「日語中無對應的分類詞概念」、「『個』的泛用」以及「以搭配名詞的中心語作為分類詞」等偏誤類型和來源。   對比分析的強式觀認為,對比分析的作用為預測學習的困難度,但本論文研究結果發現藉由字形字義的形式對比,所產生的難度等級與偏誤率在統計上並無顯著相關。其他變因,如:分類詞的認知分類屬性、分類詞頻亦與偏誤率在統計上無顯著相關,只有學習過分類詞與名詞搭配用法對偏誤率有顯著影響,僅學習過分類詞則否。搭配訪談的結果,本研究認為日籍學習者在學習和使用漢語分類詞時,如果未能充分理解分類詞本身的分類和語義功能,而僅只是背誦搭配用法,則學習效果不彰。因此提出利用認知學習理論以及日籍學習者母語的分類詞知識之教學建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract  Chinese and Japanese both use numeral classifiers. The number and the function of Chinese classifiers are generally considered more complicated than Japanese counterparts. By contrastive analysis, it is believed that Japanese learners should have difficulties learning Chinese classifiers. This study discusses the use of Chinese classifiers among Japanese learners using contrastive analysis and hierarchies of difficulty (hereafter HD). Thirty six Chinese classifiers which are employed as the target materials in this study were selected on the basis of the sequentiality of Pedagogical Grammar. Employing the correspondences of orthography and semantics between Chinese and Japanese, this study classifies these corresponding relations into five categories: “identical relations in both orthography and semantics”, “relations that two languages share the same orthography and sharesemantics partially”, “relations that two languages differ in orthography but share identical semantics”, “relations that two languages differ in orthography but share semantics partially”, “absence in Japanese”. Uni-directional applied contrastive analysis is drawn on to predict the HDs of the classifier performance among Japanese learners.   The questionnaires constructed on the basis of the aforementioned classifier classifications are used to test three groups, who were recruited from Mandarin Training Center: one group for thirty novice-mid Japanese learners; one group for thirty intermediate Japanese learners; one group for twenty native Chinese speakers as a control group. The dependent variable for the analysis is the error rates learners made in the administered questionnaires. The results indicate that Japanese learners’ error rates can be attributed to the following potential sources: “transfer from native language”, “absence of classifiers in Japanese”, “overgeneralization of GE”, “misuse of the head of noun as classifiers.”   For the second line, the results indicate that no significance between the HDs and error rates among Japanese learners but that there is a reliable effect between teaching materials and error rates. The post-hoc analyses indicate that if Japanese learners have acquired the collocation usage between classifiers and nouns, their error rates were significantly reduced. By contrast, if they only have acquired the classifiers but not the collocations, no reliable reductions of error rates were found. In addition, the interviews with Japanese learners suggested that Japanese learners only learned by heart what the materials and the teacher taught but were unable to take advantage of the cognitive structure which can be transferred from their native language, Japanese. Suggestions are that teachers may draw on Cognitive learning theory and learners’ existent native knowledge on classifiers for instruction.en_US
dc.subjectcontrastive analysisen_US
dc.subjecthierarchies of difficultyen_US
dc.subjectJapanese learneren_US
dc.titleA study on the use of Chinese classifiers by Japanese learners: Examining the role of contrastive analysis and hierarchies of difficultyen_US

