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本研究目的在於瞭解學童幽默風格與創意個人特質之相關性,並以樂觀解釋風格為中介變項,透過樂觀解釋風格瞭解對高年級學童幽默風格與創意個人特質的影響。研究樣本採方便取樣,抽取雙北地區五、六年級學童共294位作為研究參與者。研究工具採用幽默風格量表、國小學童科技創意發展個人因素量表與國小學童樂觀解釋風格量表。將所蒐集之資料進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾森積差相關與Bootstrap中介分析,並對本研究各項假設進行驗證。 本研究獲致以下結論: 一、國小高年級學童傾向於親和型幽默風格。且男學童比女學童更常使用親和型及攻擊型幽默風格。而六年級學童攻擊型幽默風格表現顯著於高於五年級學童。 二、高年級學童在創意個人特質中,整體表現較傾向「喜歡閱讀、興趣廣泛」之向度。 三、五年級學童在創意個人特質之「善於調適與分享、樂觀積極」的表現,顯著高於六年級學童。 四、國小高年級學童之親和型、自我提升型及攻擊型三類幽默風格與會透過樂觀解釋風格的中介影響個體創意個人特質的展現。樂觀解釋風格在自我貶抑型幽默風格對個體創意個人特質的影響中不具有中介效果。 最後依據研究結果進行討論,提出相關的人才培育、教育建議及未來研究建議,做為未來相關研究之參考。
The purpose of this study is to understand the correlation between students’ sense of humor style and personal factors to pupils’ creativity development, and to based on optimistic explanatory style as a mediating factor to explore the impact of optimistic explanatory style on students’ sense of humor style and personal factors to pupils’ creativity development. The research samples were collected for convenience sampling, and a total of 294 students in fifth-grade and sixth-grade in New Taipei City and Taipei were selected as research participants. The research tools used the humor styles questionnaire, personal factors to pupils’ creativity development scale, and optimistic explanatory style scale. Collecting data for descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, regression analysis, Pearson correlation, and Bootstrap analysis, and verify the hypotheses of this study. The study has reached the following conclusions: 1. Elementary school senior students tend to have an affiliative humor style. And boys use affiliative humor style more often than girls. The sixth-grade studesnts' aggressive humor style was significantly higher than that of the fifth-grade studesnts. 2. In terms of personal factors to pupils’ creativity development, the overall performance of senior schoolchildren is more serious, "likes to read, and has a wide range of interests". 3. The performance of fifth-grade students in personal factors to pupils’ creativity development of "good at adapting and sharing, optimistic and positive" is significantly higher than that of sixth-grade students. 4. The three sense of humor styles of senior students in elementary school, such as affiliative humor, self-enhancing humor and aggressive humor, will affect the display of personal factors to pupils’ creativity development through optimistic explanatory style. The optimistic explanatory self-defeating humor on personal factors to pupils’ creativity development. Finally, the discussion is based on the research results, and relevant talent cultivation, education suggestions, and future research suggestions are put forward as references for future related research.



幽默風格, 創意個人特質, 樂觀解釋風格, sense of humor style, personal factors to pupils’ creativity development, optimistic explanatory style





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