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Why work hard? – A study of teachers’ alienation Abstract In the past, the paper titled with “teachers’ alienation” mainly followed the five dimensions of “sense of alienation” proposed by social psychologist Seeman Melvin. Questionnaire surveys are often conducted to analyze the relevant factors causing “teachers’ alienation” as the reference for improving school institutions. However, the research on “teachers’ sense of alienation” not only abandoned the dialectic meaning of “alienation”, but also ignored the self-motivation of the teacher being an agent. Therefore, this research is different from the quantitative model used in the past, adopting the “alienated labor theory” introduced by Marx as the main statement flow. The researcher selected a municipal elementary school in Taipei to conduct field observation and interview in order to analyze the dialectic process of teachers and the alienation structure. This research used the “human theory” of Marx to illustrate that teachers should fulfill the “human nature” in education work. Concrete behaviors included “passion for work”, “adaptive teaching”, “flexible creativities” and “open mind”, all in all emphasizing the individual will of “self-awareness and self-creation”. However, in the capital society with labor-merchandised property, teaching work became a coactive labor for raising families, producing challenges to teachers’ ideal figure mentioned above with “hierarchical situation” and “school ecology”. As for the hierarchical situation, at the time the teachers sold their labor force to the nation, they also aliened their individual will, being “resigned” in economy, maintaining “neutral” in politics, stood “close to the main stream” in ideology, and became incapable of conducting hierarchical rebelling activities to affect the national policy. Talking about the school ecology, the teachers fully understood the compensation system of “no award for good teachers”. As a result, they presented “deliberate” and “output-restricted” labor practices, which made mediocre teaching performance a rational choice in the campus. At last, though the teachers faced the double threats of “hierarchical situation” and “school ecology”, they may also be aware of the unfairness of reality. To solve their paradox deep in the hearts through critical reflection and relativistic thinking, teachers thus adopted the resistant strategy of “obey publicly and defy privately” toward the teaching practice in order to turn alienation with their “sisterhood” bond. Keywords: alienation, alienated labor, self-enriching alienation, teachers’ alienation
Why work hard? – A study of teachers’ alienation Abstract In the past, the paper titled with “teachers’ alienation” mainly followed the five dimensions of “sense of alienation” proposed by social psychologist Seeman Melvin. Questionnaire surveys are often conducted to analyze the relevant factors causing “teachers’ alienation” as the reference for improving school institutions. However, the research on “teachers’ sense of alienation” not only abandoned the dialectic meaning of “alienation”, but also ignored the self-motivation of the teacher being an agent. Therefore, this research is different from the quantitative model used in the past, adopting the “alienated labor theory” introduced by Marx as the main statement flow. The researcher selected a municipal elementary school in Taipei to conduct field observation and interview in order to analyze the dialectic process of teachers and the alienation structure. This research used the “human theory” of Marx to illustrate that teachers should fulfill the “human nature” in education work. Concrete behaviors included “passion for work”, “adaptive teaching”, “flexible creativities” and “open mind”, all in all emphasizing the individual will of “self-awareness and self-creation”. However, in the capital society with labor-merchandised property, teaching work became a coactive labor for raising families, producing challenges to teachers’ ideal figure mentioned above with “hierarchical situation” and “school ecology”. As for the hierarchical situation, at the time the teachers sold their labor force to the nation, they also aliened their individual will, being “resigned” in economy, maintaining “neutral” in politics, stood “close to the main stream” in ideology, and became incapable of conducting hierarchical rebelling activities to affect the national policy. Talking about the school ecology, the teachers fully understood the compensation system of “no award for good teachers”. As a result, they presented “deliberate” and “output-restricted” labor practices, which made mediocre teaching performance a rational choice in the campus. At last, though the teachers faced the double threats of “hierarchical situation” and “school ecology”, they may also be aware of the unfairness of reality. To solve their paradox deep in the hearts through critical reflection and relativistic thinking, teachers thus adopted the resistant strategy of “obey publicly and defy privately” toward the teaching practice in order to turn alienation with their “sisterhood” bond. Keywords: alienation, alienated labor, self-enriching alienation, teachers’ alienation
異化, 異化勞動, 自我增益的異化, 教師異化, alienation, alienated labor, self-enriching alienation, teachers’ alienation