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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU


本研究旨在利用新進發展之三步驟設定潛藏轉移分析(3-step Specification Latent Transition Analysis),探討青少年早期三波段異質性自尊類型成員的變動。研究變項包含:國中一至三年級自尊測量以及國一學業表現、朋友關係、母子關係和導師關係滿意度量表、國三憂鬱情緒與違常行為等。藉由區分國中一、二、三個年級的自尊類型,再串聯跨年級間自尊類型的轉移,同時檢核國一自尊類型與滿意度變項間的關聯性,以及國三自尊類型在憂鬱情緒與違常行為的差異。研究樣本共追蹤2685名國一學生三年。資料蒐集工具包括自尊量表、現況不滿意度、憂鬱情緒與違常行為檢核表。LTA分析結果發現,國一、二、三各年級自尊類型都持續呈現出低、中、高和矛盾四種類型。類型轉移樣態顯示出低自尊人數比例逐年下降;高自尊人數比例逐年上升;國二到國三的自尊轉移率小於國一到國二。國一滿意度等變項和對自己容貌的評價可顯著預測國一自尊類型的分類,而國三的低自尊組和矛盾自尊組在憂鬱症狀和偏差行為等結果變項之反應明顯不同於其他組別。顯示台灣青少年早期自尊樣態與西方社會有所差異,隨年級漸升青少年自尊出現正向轉移,國一到國二階段的移轉性顯著高於國二到國三階段。
The aim of this study was to explore the role of self-esteem in the transition of adolescents among heterogeneous classes by using a three-wave survey conducted by the Taiwan Youth Project. A newly developed three-step specification latent transition analysis of Mplus7.3 was used for data analysis. The research variables were measures of self-esteem, scores on the dissatisfaction scale, depressive symptoms, and delinquent behaviors. A total of 2,685 junior high school students participated in the study, and self-report questionnaires were administered for three consecutive years. Latent profile analysis results revealed that the self-esteem of adolescents could be classified into four heterogeneous classes: low, middle, high, and contradictory classes. Latent transition analysis results also indicated that during the 3 years of the study, the transition of students from one class to another was more likely to be upward than downward. Furthermore, the ratio of movers from the seventh grade to the eighth grade was lower than that of movers from the eighth grade to the ninth grade. Auxiliary variables such as academic performance, peer relationship, closeness with homeroom teacher, and mother-child relationship exhibited a significant correlation with membership of the four self-esteem classes. Scores for distal outcomes such as depressive symptoms and delinquent behaviors were discovered to be significantly higher for low and contradictory self-esteem classes than their counterparts.






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