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言語幽默具有重要的溝通功能。然而在跨文化溝通的場合裡,溝通雙方受到語言和文化隔閡的阻礙,往往無法如在母文化中一樣有效理解對方的幽默。為了使華語學習者在使用華語進行跨文化溝通時能更好地理解華語幽默,本研究分析了華語演講中的言語幽默特性,以及德籍華語學習者的華語言語幽默理解難點。最後提出了相應的教學建議。 進行華語演講言語幽默特性的分析時,筆者 分別參考了Bergson(2008)、張春榮(2001)、Raphaelson-West(1989) 的理論,建立了以語言功能、修辭層次、背景知識三個維度為框架的分析架構。而探究學習者理解難點時,則是利用調查研究法中的半結構訪談法進行了調查研究。 研究結果顯示,華語演講中,最常出現的言語幽默類型是語言表達的幽默、篇章修辭的幽默,以及包含文化知識的幽默。另一方面,本研究也發現,學習者的語意理解與幽默理解有很大的關連性,且重看、講解、討論等語意理解輔助亦有助於提升學習者的幽默理解。同時,學習者的幽默理解狀況存在相當大的個體差異。 最後,本研究建議以跨文化能力的構面(知識、技巧、態度)為框架,以語言(華語演講語體和篇章修辭)、文化(尤重內隱文化)為內容,並以工作坊為形式,進行華語演講言語幽默理解的培訓。
Verbal humor is an important tool in communication. However, because of language and culture barriers, it is more difficult for people to comprehend the humor from their counterpart during cross-cultural communication. To enhance Chinese learners’ comprehension of Chinese verbal humor, the researcher has investigated the characteristics of Chinese verbal humor in speeches, and learners’ difficulty in comprehension, with a case study of German learners as well. In the study of Chinese verbal humor’s characteristics, the researcher has used a 3-dimension framework (language function, rhetoric layer, and background knowledge). The framework is constructed mainly from the theories of Bergson (2008), 張春榮(2001), and Raphaelson-West (1989). As for the research of learners’ difficulty in Chinese verbal humor comprehension, a research survey, which includes questionnaires and interviews, is conducted. The result shows that the most common types of verbal humor in Chinese speech are language-expressed humor, discourse-rhetorical humor, and the humor which includes cultural background knowledge. On the other hand, the researcher finds that learners’ comprehension rate of humor is highly related to their comprehension rate of meaning, and the strategies which improve meaning comprehension are beneficial to humor comprehension, as well. Also, the result shows that there is a big individual difference between learners when it comes to verbal humor comprehension. To conclude, the researcher suggests that the training of Chinese verbal humor comprehension should be constructed from the 3 dimensions of cross-cultural competence. As for the content of training, there should be both linguistic and cultural training. For the linguistic part, the introduction of a linguistic register of speech and the most common discourse-rhetorical strategies are needed. As for the cultural part, the implicit culture should be emphasized. Furthermore, a workshop, as the training format, is suggested when making verbal humor comprehension training.



華語演講, 言語幽默, 幽默理解, 跨文化溝通, 跨文化能力培訓, Chinese speech, verbal humor, humor comprehension, cross-cultural communication, intercultural competence





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