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本研究旨在探討國中生 知覺父母教養態度 、臉書涉入程度與人際關係之研 究。本研採便利抽樣方式,以調查法進行問卷資料蒐集三所公立國中七、 八九年級男女學生為樣本,有效共 九年級男女學生為樣本,有效共 九年級男女學生為樣本,有效共 九年級男女學生為樣本,有效共 818 人(男生 391人,女生427人)。研究工具包括「知覺父母教養態度 量表」、「 量表」、「 量表」、「 臉書 涉入程度量表」、「中學生人際關 涉入程度量表」、「中學生人際關 涉入程度量表」、「中學生人際關 係量表」 。所得資料以獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、相關、迴歸等統計方法進行分析處理,研究結果如下:
一、 不同性別、臉書登入頻率、臉書使用時間、臉書使用動機的國中生在知覺父母教養態度上有顯著差異。
二、 不同性別、臉書登入頻率、臉書使用時間、臉書使用動機的國中生在臉書涉入程度上有顯著差異。
三、 不同性別、臉書登入頻率、臉書使用時間、臉書使用動機的國中生在人際關係上有顯著差異。
四、 國中生 知覺父母教養態度 與臉書涉入程度有顯著 正相關。
五、 國中生 知覺父母教養態度 與人際關係有顯著正相。
六、 國中生 臉書涉入程度與人際關係有顯著正相。
七、 國中生 知覺父母教養態度 與臉書涉入程度對於人際關係有預測力。
最後, 研究者依據本結果加以討論,並提出 相關具體建議 做為國中生親職教育、輔導工作及未來研究參考。
The purposes of this research were to explore Parenting Style, Facebook Involvement and Interpersonal Relationship among Junior High School Students. Convenience sampling was adopted in the research, and a survey study was conducted to collect data from the questionnaires. Seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students in three pubic schools were selected .There are 818 effective samples (391 boys and 427 girls). The tools of the research include “Parenting Style Scale”, “Facebook Involvement Scale”, and “Interpersonal Relationship Scale”. Data retrieved were analyzed with statistic methods like independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis, esc. The results are as follow: 1.The degree of Parenting Style among junior high school students is significantly different with genders,the frequency of login facebook,the length of using facebook, and the motivation of using facebook. 2.The degree of Facebook Involvement among junior high school students is significantly different with genders,the frequency of login facebook,the length of using facebook, and the motivation of using facebook. 3.The degree of Interpersonal Relationship among junior high school students is significantly different with genders,the frequency of login facebook,the length of using facebook, and the motivation of using facebook. 4.There is a significant positive correlation between Parenting Style and Facebook Involvement. 5.There is a significant positive correlation between Parenting Style and Interpersonal Relationship. 6.There is a significant positive correlation between Facebook Involvement and Interpersonal Relationship. 7.Parenting Style and Facebook Involvement among junior high school students were significant in predicting their Interpersonal Relationship. Finally, the researcher has a discussion based on the results of the research, and offered specific suggestions to parents,school administrant, teachers and the future researchers.
The purposes of this research were to explore Parenting Style, Facebook Involvement and Interpersonal Relationship among Junior High School Students. Convenience sampling was adopted in the research, and a survey study was conducted to collect data from the questionnaires. Seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students in three pubic schools were selected .There are 818 effective samples (391 boys and 427 girls). The tools of the research include “Parenting Style Scale”, “Facebook Involvement Scale”, and “Interpersonal Relationship Scale”. Data retrieved were analyzed with statistic methods like independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis, esc. The results are as follow: 1.The degree of Parenting Style among junior high school students is significantly different with genders,the frequency of login facebook,the length of using facebook, and the motivation of using facebook. 2.The degree of Facebook Involvement among junior high school students is significantly different with genders,the frequency of login facebook,the length of using facebook, and the motivation of using facebook. 3.The degree of Interpersonal Relationship among junior high school students is significantly different with genders,the frequency of login facebook,the length of using facebook, and the motivation of using facebook. 4.There is a significant positive correlation between Parenting Style and Facebook Involvement. 5.There is a significant positive correlation between Parenting Style and Interpersonal Relationship. 6.There is a significant positive correlation between Facebook Involvement and Interpersonal Relationship. 7.Parenting Style and Facebook Involvement among junior high school students were significant in predicting their Interpersonal Relationship. Finally, the researcher has a discussion based on the results of the research, and offered specific suggestions to parents,school administrant, teachers and the future researchers.
臉書, 知覺父母教養態度, 臉書涉入程度, 人際關係, facebook, parenting style, facebook involvement, interpersonal relationship