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本研究旨在藉由實驗教學驗證建構式5E學習環教學步驟與電腦音樂編輯軟體Hyperscore實施於音樂創作教學的可行性,探討不同教學方式(範例式教學與探索式教學)及不同學習階段(國小三年級與國小五年級),對國民小學學生的音樂學習動機、音樂學習自我評估、音樂創作表現之影響。本研究採因子設計之準實驗研究法,研究對象為國民小學之三年級與五年級學生。研究結果顯示:(1) 5E學習環之探索式教學有助於提升國小五年級學生的音樂學習態度及音樂創作表現;(2) 5E學習環之範例式教學有助於提升國小三年級學生的音樂學習態度及音樂創作表現;(3)國小三年級與五年級學生接受不同5E學習環教學方式,對於透過電腦音樂編輯軟體Hyperscore進行音樂創作持有正向的態度;(4)國小五年級學生的音樂創作表現明顯優於國小三年級學生;(5)國小三年級與五年級學生的音樂創作美學表現低落。整體而言,5E學習環教學步驟與電腦音樂編輯軟體Hyperscore實施於音樂創作教學中為可行,其中探索式教學較適於國小五年級學生,範例式教學則較適於國小三年級學生。
The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of instructional strategies, including with-demonstration and without-demonstration, and educational levels, including third grade and fifth grade, on music learning motivation, self-assessment of music achievement and music composition with elementary school students by the perspective of the 5E learning cycle and the implementation of the music composition software, Hyperscore. The quasi-experimental design was applied in the study and the participants of the study were third graders and fifth graders. The result revealed that: (a) the 5E learning cycle without demonstration (WOD) was helpful to fifth graders in music learning attitudes and music composition; (b) the 5E learning cycle with demonstration (WID) was helpful to third graders in music learning attitudes and music composition; (c) regardless of the instructional strategies, both graders held positive attitudes toward the integration of the music composition software, Hyperscore, in the music composition activity; (d) fifth graders performed better on music composition than third graders did; and (e) both graders performed poor on aesthetic appeal of music composition. Overall, the implementation of the 5E learning cycle and the use of Hyperscore in the music composition activity were feasible: WOD was beneficial to fifth graders, whereas WID was beneficial to third graders.



5E學習環, 資訊科技, 音樂創作, 學習動機, 5E learning cycle, information and technology, music composition, learning motivation





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