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面對二十一世紀,受到全球化趨勢與科技發展所帶來的社會、經濟與文化快速變遷的影響,教育也必須要跟上時代與社會的變化,我國因應頒布十二年國教課綱,讓研究者反思自己的教學方式與課綱強調的素養理念有極大落差,而造成學生認為上課內容與未來生活並無關聯失去學習的意義。「問題導向學習」(Problem-based Learning, PBL)透過真實世界若結構性問題情境的設計,引發學生探究的興趣,在合作學習的形式當中進行自我導向式的學習而習得知識,教師則轉變為引導者的角色。本研究將「問題導向學習」運用於九年級經濟學課程當中對於學生而言較為抽象的「市場競爭」單元,讓學生在分組探究問題情境過程中習得知識。本研究重視教育工作者的實務改進,故採取行動研究法,透過教師教學省思札記、課程文件與焦點團體訪談內容進行分析。參與對象為桃園市某國中的28位九年級學生,進行兩項主題課程。研究結果發現,教師設計問題情境時為求符合真實世界情形及因應學生的起點行為須重新編排課綱的教學順序,且教師能在引導學生的過程中建立許多互動的機會便更能夠理解學生的學習困境。此外,學生雖然能夠在教師的課程安排與引導下習得「市場競爭」之知識概念,但在討論過程當中無法即時彙整吸收組員們所提供的想法,因此除了合作討論之外,也需要教師撥出一部分時間回歸講述式教學進行概念總結,以確保完整習得經濟學之知識。
Effected by the globalization and the development of technology, the world is constantly changing and evolving, especially in the aspects of society, economics and culture. Facing the challenges that brought by these changes, the education provided to current students should be changed as well. In response to the situation, Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education has been implemented. Under the implementation of the curriculum, the researcher observed that students didn’t consider learning as a meaningful process. After reflection, the researcher posed a possibility, that is, her teaching method had been deviated from the spirit of the curriculum. Problem-based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects. In a PBL class, students are self-directed learners who works in cooperation and teachers works as facilitators. The researcher adopted PBL when teaching “market competition,” a learning unit which is relatively abstract to students in the ninth grade economics. Students worked in groups and acquired the teaching content by making inquiry into the context of the problem. This research was implemented by the form of an action research due to the researcher puts emphasis on practical improvement of an educator. The teacher’s reflection notes, lesson documents and focus group interview are the materials for analyzation. The participants are 28 students from a junior high school in Taoyuan. Two thematic lessons were implemented.The result of the research indicates that the teaching order in Curriculum Guidelines should be rearranged so as to accord with authentic scenario and students’ entry behavior. In order to aware of students’ learning difficulties, the researcher arranged many interaction among students in her teaching. Moreover, even though students were able to acquire the concept of market competition by cooperative learning, it was hard for them to summarize the ideas form their group members. The researcher found that she still needed to give students the summary about the concept to confirm that students acquired the complete knowledge of economics.
Effected by the globalization and the development of technology, the world is constantly changing and evolving, especially in the aspects of society, economics and culture. Facing the challenges that brought by these changes, the education provided to current students should be changed as well. In response to the situation, Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education has been implemented. Under the implementation of the curriculum, the researcher observed that students didn’t consider learning as a meaningful process. After reflection, the researcher posed a possibility, that is, her teaching method had been deviated from the spirit of the curriculum. Problem-based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects. In a PBL class, students are self-directed learners who works in cooperation and teachers works as facilitators. The researcher adopted PBL when teaching “market competition,” a learning unit which is relatively abstract to students in the ninth grade economics. Students worked in groups and acquired the teaching content by making inquiry into the context of the problem. This research was implemented by the form of an action research due to the researcher puts emphasis on practical improvement of an educator. The teacher’s reflection notes, lesson documents and focus group interview are the materials for analyzation. The participants are 28 students from a junior high school in Taoyuan. Two thematic lessons were implemented.The result of the research indicates that the teaching order in Curriculum Guidelines should be rearranged so as to accord with authentic scenario and students’ entry behavior. In order to aware of students’ learning difficulties, the researcher arranged many interaction among students in her teaching. Moreover, even though students were able to acquire the concept of market competition by cooperative learning, it was hard for them to summarize the ideas form their group members. The researcher found that she still needed to give students the summary about the concept to confirm that students acquired the complete knowledge of economics.
問題導向學習, 公民教學, 市場競爭, Problem-based Learning, PBL, Civics, Market competition