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龐吉耶利(Amilcare Ponchielli, 1834-1886)為義大利最具代表性的作曲家之一,對浪漫時期的音樂有深遠的影響,然而,在當時威爾第(Giuseppe Verdi, 1813-1901)的音樂聞名於世,他的聲望使得人們忽視了龐吉耶利的重要性,隨著時間的考驗,龐吉耶利的作品才慢慢讓人看見,而相較於龐吉耶利的歌劇作品,器樂作品較鮮為人知,《F大調小號協奏曲》是其中最具代表性的一首作品,這首協奏曲多樣性及熱情的齊奏樂段,是這首協奏曲吸引人及普及的原因。 該作品在結構上並沒有明確的樂章之分,在變奏曲的基礎上加入序奏、詠嘆調以及終曲,變奏曲常被小號用於展現演奏技巧,因此內文也會根據使用到的演奏技巧進行探討,例如:雙吐、三吐。 本論文共分為五個章節,內文包含龐吉耶利的生平簡介、樂隊音樂並更進一步探討當時歐洲軍樂隊的發展;在《F大調小號協奏曲》部分,針對其創作背景進行了解,也從19世紀小號的發展,研究該曲在樂器使用上的選擇,最後筆者根據阿曼多‧吉塔拉(Armando Ghitalla)和加布里埃爾‧卡索內(Gabriele Cassone)演奏的版本,加入自己的觀點,詮釋與分析此曲。
Amilcare Ponchielli (1834-1886) is one of the most representative composers in Italy and has a profound influence on the music of Romantic period. However, at his time, Giuseppe Verdi’s (1813-1901) music was famous in the world. His reputation outshone other composer and made people ignore the importance of Amilcare Ponchielli. Compared with Ponchielli 's opera works, instrumental music works are less well known, and the "concerto in F marjor for trumpet and band op.123" is one of the most representative pieces. The diversity and enthusiasm of the concerto make it attractive and popular. This concerto does not have a clear movement in the structure. On the basis of the variation, the sequence, the aria and the finale are added. The variation is often used to perform trumpet’s playing skills. Therefore, this paper will also discuss the skills that is used in playing such as double tonguing, triple tonguing. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The text contains Ponchielli 's biography, band music and further explores the development of the European military band at the time. For the "concerto in F marjor for trumpet and band op.123" part, it includes the background of this work and studies of the development of the trumpet in the 19th century. This is to understand the use of the instrument at this work. Finally, based on the versions played by Armando Ghitalla and Gabriele Cassone, player’s own point of view to interpret and analyze the concerto is added.



龐吉耶利, 小號協奏曲, Ponchielli, Trumpet concerto





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