R. Caillois的遊戲理論探討及其教育省思

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本研究旨在探討法國的文學、哲學家Roger Caillois的遊戲理論,並進一步探討其對教育的省思。 本研究採用概念分析及詮釋學的方法,首先理解其生平及時代背景,為詮釋其理論提供基礎,以便掌握其理論;其次深入其著作探討其遊戲理論;最後提出對於當前遊戲與教育之省思。 本研究的結論如下: 1.遊戲為人類四種原始慾望(desire)的抒發管道,同時遊戲世界在工業革命後也成為現實世界的規避場域。 2.遊戲的特徵包含:自由的(Free)、分開的(Separate)、不確定性的(Uncertain)、不具生產性的(Unproductive)、受規則引導(Governed by rules)、虛構的(Make-believe)。 3.依照玩家對遊戲的心態,Caillois將遊戲分為四種類型:競爭(competition)、機運(chance)、模仿(simulation)、眩暈(vertigo),各類型遊戲具有相似的特質。四類型的遊戲可再形成六種連結,其中「模仿-眩暈」以及「競爭-機運」兩者反映了文明的發展。 4.遊戲在本質上與教育並不相同,具體的遊戲是純粹自為目的性,當實質的遊戲與學校教育連結,將使得教育與遊戲產生質變,可能對教育產生不利的影響。 5.教育現場中四種類型遊戲的存在,能避免現實世界的混亂,為良好的教育環境提供一定的基礎。 6.非教育性遊戲(non-educative games)的提出,使遊戲能純粹的作為遊戲,為教學活動實施提供一個穩定的空間。
This research aims at exploring the game theory of French philosopher Roger Caillois. The research also deals with the application and reflection of the theory on education. The research use conceptual analysis and hermeneutics, digging into Caillois’s time and his life in order to provide the basis for interpreting his theory. Then the research goes through his works to explore his game theory. In the end, the research provides reflections on games and education nowadays. The conclusion of this research includes: 1.Game is the way for humanity to express their four primitive desires, and the game world then became the shelter for real world after the Industrial Revolution. 2.The characteristics of games include: Free, Separate, Uncertain, Unproductive, Governed by rules and Make-believe. 3.According to the attitude of players, Caillois divided games into four types: competition, chance, simulation and vertigo. The four types share similar characteristics and they can form six different connections. Between those connections, the connection of “simulation-vertigo” and “competition-chance” reflect on the development of civilization. 4.Game is different from education essentially, and the goal of concrete game is satisfying in itself. When it connects to school education, it will change, thus may have bad influence on education. 5.The existence of the four types of games in the school education can avoid the chaos in real world and provide certain basis for a fine education environment. 6.The establishment of non-educative games will make games purer and provide a stable space for performing teaching activity.



Caillois, 遊戲, 教育, 文化, Caillois, game, education, culture





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