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為達到真正「活到老學到老」之目標,本研究透過文獻探討,從理論出發,試圖尋找高齡學習者在器樂學習時的適合模式。本研究認為高齡學習不只是「消磨時間」,而是具有一定程度之深度學習,並結合高齡者一輩子寶貴的生命經驗,進而碰撞出藝術與生命的新火花。本研究以教材、教具、科技輔助等具體方式提供教師使用之。希望藉以協助高齡學習者的學習過程、學習效率。條列如下:1. 彩譜
2. 烏克接龍
3. Chord Pad(和弦板)
4. 和弦速度記錄卡
5. 漸進式合奏練習法
1. 高齡教育需注重學習者的心理感受與自我實現之理想。
2. 培養學習者自我覺察的能力是相當重要的一環。
3. 以學習者在年輕的學生時代的流行歌曲為教學目標,較容易引起共鳴。
4. 課程中除了音樂以外的資訊,亦可將養生保健、親子互動、科技新知等資訊加入課程中。
For the purpose “Live and learn”, this study was analyzing literature, and trying to find out the best way for elderly instrumental learning.This study deemed that elderly learning are not just pass the time. It is to a certain extent of deep learning. And it also can make the spark of life when it connected to elder’s life experience.This study provided several different methods to the educators, such as learning materials, teaching aids and technical instrument. These methods can be enhanced the learning process and learning efficiency of elderly learners. These methods are listed below:1. Color Tablature2. Ukulele solitaire3. Chord Pad 4. Chord changing record card 5. Progressive rehearsal method This study’s conclusion is listed below: 1. Learner’s “personal feeling” and “self-fulfillment” both are important in education for the elderly. 2. Forster musical self-awareness skill are important to elderly learners. 3. To reach the learning target by using the song that was popular at their school days. It will much easier to resonate elderly learners. 4. In the class, beside musical knowledge and information, teacher can add much more into the class. Such as health care, Parent-child interaction, technology news.
For the purpose “Live and learn”, this study was analyzing literature, and trying to find out the best way for elderly instrumental learning.This study deemed that elderly learning are not just pass the time. It is to a certain extent of deep learning. And it also can make the spark of life when it connected to elder’s life experience.This study provided several different methods to the educators, such as learning materials, teaching aids and technical instrument. These methods can be enhanced the learning process and learning efficiency of elderly learners. These methods are listed below:1. Color Tablature2. Ukulele solitaire3. Chord Pad 4. Chord changing record card 5. Progressive rehearsal method This study’s conclusion is listed below: 1. Learner’s “personal feeling” and “self-fulfillment” both are important in education for the elderly. 2. Forster musical self-awareness skill are important to elderly learners. 3. To reach the learning target by using the song that was popular at their school days. It will much easier to resonate elderly learners. 4. In the class, beside musical knowledge and information, teacher can add much more into the class. Such as health care, Parent-child interaction, technology news.
高齡教育, 樂器學習, 教材教案, 烏克麗麗, Elderly education, Instrumental learning, Teaching materials, Ukulele