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本研究旨在探究學校輔導教師督導者之督導經驗,以及建構學校輔導督導系統,採取紮根理論方法,邀請10位學校輔導教師督導者參與,進行半結構的深度訪談。經謄錄逐字稿進行分析後,研究結果顯示督導者之督導經驗為一動態系統循環,督導者所具備之專業地圖引導督導運作面向,接著從實際督導運作中有所反思,並回饋至原有之專業地圖,經由重整專業地圖,再次同樣地經歷上述之循環歷程,而此動態系統循環的經驗是在學校場域的系統脈絡下所開展。構成動態系統循環之督導經驗內涵分別為:(1)督導者個人之專業地圖:包含督導理念與輔導知能;(2)督導運作之面向:涵蓋督導目標、督導功能、督導關係、督導過程與督導方式;(3)督導者之督導歷程反思:分為體察感悟與自我期許。 學校輔導督導系統之建構,以三部分說明之:(1)督導者之適任條件宜符合基本條件,並達成進階條件,同時具備足夠的知能;(2)督導培訓課程規劃應兼具理論和實習,符合層次性與實用性原則,且督導者和受督者可共備學習,宜由專屬單位或跨單位執行課程;(3)督導實行模式應加強評量機制,以及提供專輔多元學習機會。 依據研究發現,進一步形成學校系統思維督導視域圖,此圖說明督導核心精神為專業主體性之踐履,闡述於督導過程中宜運用生態系統觀,包括理解受系統環境影響之個案、看見在系統中工作的專輔、覺察督導者個人所處之系統,以及善用系統思維進行督導。最後根據上述研究結果進行討論,並針對實務與未來研究提出建議。
The purpose of this study was to explore the supervisory experiences of school counseling supervisors and the perspectives of supervisory system construction. This study adopted grounded theory as the research method. Ten school counseling supervisors were interviewed by semi-structured in-depth interviews. After analyzing the transcripts, this study founded that the supervisory experiences were dynamic system circulating process. The professional map guided the supervisory dimension, and reflections were generated from the previous process. After this step, the reflections gave the professional map feedback. Through reintegrating the professional map, the same process was cycled again. The entire dynamic process was formed in the system context. The supervisory experiences consisted of the following: (1) the professional map: including supervisory beliefs and counseling competencies; (2) the supervisory dimensions: involving supervision goals, supervision functions, supervisory relationship, supervisory process, and supervision methods; (3) supervisory reflections: comprising awareness, and self-expectations. The perspectives on the supervisory system construction were divided three parts. First, the supervisor would meet the essential criteria, accomplish the advanced standard, and acquire the adequate competencies. Second, the supervisory courses were necessarily comprised of theory and practicum, planned by the principle of multilevel and practicability. Besides, the supervisor and the supervisee could learn from each other. Third, the supervisory system should strengthen the evaluation mechanism and offered the supervisee more diversified learning opportunities. The supervision horizon figure of school system thinking was formed according to the research findings. The core spirit was the fulfillment of professional subjectivity. It illustrated that the best way was to use the ecological system view in the supervision process. Comprehending the client influenced by the system, understanding the school counselor working in the system, aware of the supervisor situated in the system, and using system thinking were included. Finally, these findings were discussed; implications and recommendation of practice and further research were provided.



學校輔導, 督導者, 督導經驗, 督導系統, 紮根理論, grounded theory, school counseling, supervisor, supervisory experience, supervisory system





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