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本研究旨在探討不同性別之兒童(國小五年級)與青少年(國中一年級)對情感機制、認知機制、社會機制三類型的動態幽默廣告之幽默欣賞與理解。透過2(年齡)× 2(性別)× 3(幽默廣告類型)× 2(難易度)之實驗設計,要求參與者觀看刺激物廣告影片並填寫封閉式問卷。結果顯示:(1)幽默欣賞:整體而言,國一顯著高於小五,性別無顯著差異。在「情感機制」及「認知機制」,國一顯著高於小五,在「情感機制」,男性顯著高於女性。從難易度看,在「高難度」條件下,國一顯著高於小五,男性顯著高於女性。(2)幽默理解:a. 理解的自我評價,整體而言在年齡及性別皆無顯著差異。在「社會機制」女性顯著高於男性。b. 理解程度,國一在各類型及難度皆顯著高於小五,不同性別間無顯著差異。(3)幽默欣賞與理解自評間有顯著相關,幽默欣賞與理解程度、理解自評與理解程度則皆無。(4)對幽默廣告之解讀受到觀察模式及社會化程度影響。
This study aims at understanding the humor appreciation and comprehension in different gender of children (five-grade) and adolescents (seven-grade) to humorous commercials, classified into affective, cognitive, and social types. Through a 2 (age) × 2 (gender) × 3 (types) × 2 (degrees of difficulty) experiment, the participants were requested to watch the stimuli and response their reaction on a structured questionnaire. The results are: (1) Humor appreciation: G-7 is significantly higher than G-5 and there is no significant difference between the genders in general. G-7 is significantly higher than G-5 in affective, cognitive type and difficult condition. Male is significantly higher than female in affective type and difficult condition. (2) Humor comprehension: a. In self-evaluation of comprehension, there is no significant difference between the gender and age in general, and female is significantly higher than male in social type. b. In degree of comprehension, G-7 is significantly higher than G-5 in all types and degrees of difficulty, and there is no significant difference between the gender. (3) There is significant positive correlation between the humor appreciations and the self-evaluation of comprehension. There is no significant correlation between the humor appreciation and degree of comprehension as well as self-evaluation of comprehension and degree of comprehension. (4) Interrupt is effect to the observation and socialization.
This study aims at understanding the humor appreciation and comprehension in different gender of children (five-grade) and adolescents (seven-grade) to humorous commercials, classified into affective, cognitive, and social types. Through a 2 (age) × 2 (gender) × 3 (types) × 2 (degrees of difficulty) experiment, the participants were requested to watch the stimuli and response their reaction on a structured questionnaire. The results are: (1) Humor appreciation: G-7 is significantly higher than G-5 and there is no significant difference between the genders in general. G-7 is significantly higher than G-5 in affective, cognitive type and difficult condition. Male is significantly higher than female in affective type and difficult condition. (2) Humor comprehension: a. In self-evaluation of comprehension, there is no significant difference between the gender and age in general, and female is significantly higher than male in social type. b. In degree of comprehension, G-7 is significantly higher than G-5 in all types and degrees of difficulty, and there is no significant difference between the gender. (3) There is significant positive correlation between the humor appreciations and the self-evaluation of comprehension. There is no significant correlation between the humor appreciation and degree of comprehension as well as self-evaluation of comprehension and degree of comprehension. (4) Interrupt is effect to the observation and socialization.
兒童, 青少年, 幽默廣告, 幽默欣賞, 幽默理解, children, adolescents, humorous commercial, appreciation, comprehension