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近年來科技快速的成長,智慧型穿戴式裝置已融入在人們的生活之中 ,自我健康管理是近幾年漸漸受到重視,而大多數人會選擇最方便、智慧性的手錶來配戴。製造商為滿足及符合顧客的期待與需求,不斷升級產品的相關功能,透過了健康因素與一般因素來探討消費者對於購買智慧手錶影響,而這些需求與期待為培養消費者對產品積極態度並增強購買意願之關鍵因素。 因此,本研究將健康意識、健康信念、軟體、硬體、設計美學、價格、品牌、感知有有性與感知價值來探討消費者對於購買智慧手錶之影響。研究對象以國內購買智慧手錶消費者為研究對象,一共回收有效問卷330份,有效問卷回收率為82.5%,再以SEM模型來驗證研究假說之內容。本研究結果發現: (l) 健康意識對於感知價值與感知有用性無顯著之影響。 (2) 健康信念對於感知價值與感知有用性有顯著的正向影響。 (3) 一般因素對於感知價值與感知有用性具有顯著的正向影響。 (4) 感知價值對購買意願具有顯著的正向影響。 (5) 感知有用性對購買意願具有顯著的正向影響。 面對人口的高齡化、慢性病患不斷的增加以及醫護人力短缺的挑戰,在未來智慧手錶結合醫療已成為趨勢,而如何讓智慧手錶變成對抗慢性疾病最強而有力的工具,都將成為智慧手錶未來努力的目標。
In recent years, with the continuous progress of science and technology, intelligent wearable devices have been integrated into people's lives. Self health management has been gradually paid attention to in recent years, and most people will choose the most convenient and intelligent watch to wear. In order to meet and meet the expectations and needs of customers, manufacturers constantly upgrade the relevant functions of products, and explore the impact of consumers on the purchase of smart watches through health factors and general factors. These needs and expectations are the key factors to cultivate consumers' positive attitude towards products and enhance their purchase intention. Therefore, this study will explore the impact of consumers on the purchase of smart watches from the perspectives of health awareness, health belief, software, hardware, design aesthetics, price, brand, perceived value and perceived value. A total of 330 valid questionnaires were collected from domestic consumers who bought smart watches, and the effective rate was 82.5%. The results of this study are as follows (l)Health awareness had no significant effect on perceived value and perceived usefulness. (2)Health belief has a significant positive impact on perceived value and perceived usefulness. (3)General factors have significant positive effects on perceived value and perceived usefulness. (4)Perceived value has a significant positive impact on purchase intention. (5)Perceived usefulness has a significant positive impact on purchase intention. In the face of the challenges of aging population, increasing chronic patients and shortage of medical staff, it has become a trend to combine smart watch with medical treatment in the future. How to make smart watch become the strongest and powerful tool to combat chronic diseases will become the goal of smart watch in the future.



智慧手錶, 健康信念模型, 科技接受模式, 感知價值, 購買意願, Smartwatches, Health Belief Model, Technology acceptance model, Perceived value, Purchase intention





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