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Department od Education, NTNU


Classical and orthodox educational school began from Confucius who advocated systematic theory of education and practiced it in teaching of his disciples abut 6th to 5th B.C. Before Confucius, Chinese culture had long been developed, and a philosophical foundation had been established by the predecessors. The great wisdom is first read in I─Ching. Its ideas showed in Confucius’ doctrine. In this article a few philosophical views in I─Chng are observed. It is understood that in early ancient time, people were living in a world without much knowledge about it. Yet they experienced varied natural phenomena and changes. Consequently they would raise a question of the origin of the world. For instance, what is the origin of “the first birth” and so all the things in the world?From experiences it was easy for them to observe the birth of certain animals, then, they learned that a new life was produced by a couple of two belonging to the same species. Then they concluded that birth was resulted from harmonious intercourse between two sexes. The origin of all things in the world must be two agents:one male and one female. The male was the heaven, and the female, the earth. Thus by harmony, cooperation, the heaven and the earth made great accomplishment, namely, birth. This was the Cosmology of early Chinese philosophers. As this cosmology could not explain every experienced phenomena, the wise for thinkers inquired into abstract and chose “yin” denoting the female origin instead of the earth and “yang” denoting the male instead of the heaven. The interactions of yin and yang were integrated by Tao, which was the First Principle, the Final Cause, the Great Order, and the Universal Way of the world. Later, Chien an Kun were used for yang and yin respectively to describe the natural phenomena and changes. Thus a view of ontology was established as the Chinese metaphysics. When the ancient Chinese philosophers observed the natural world, they put themselves(men)into observation






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