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本論文研究目的主要為探討德沃札克《F大調第五號交響曲》的歷史地位與其價值,德沃札克於1875年獲得奧地利國家獎助金 (Austrian State Stipendium) 後,他的作曲家生涯正式走向國際,《F大調第五號交響曲》便是此時期的作品,然而此曲卻到了十三年後的1888年才正式由西姆洛克 (Musikverlag Nikolaus Simrock) 出版社出版。此曲以標準交響曲形式寫成,分為四個樂章,曲式分別為奏鳴曲式、三段曲式、詼諧曲、奏鳴曲式,結構上承襲古典時期的形式。音樂上則能看出受到貝多芬、舒伯特、華格納等音樂家的影響,德沃札克巧妙地結合波希米亞地區的音樂元素,使此部作品成為他交響曲作品邁入成熟期的分水嶺。本文將探討德沃札克的生平、《F大調第五號交響曲》的創作背景,藉此分析此部作品所受到的影響,並分析音樂和聲、動機素材之運用,再以指揮者的角度剖析指揮技術輔以研究者排練的實務經驗歸納出詮釋觀點。
This thesis aims to explore the historical and musical value of Dvořák' s Symphony No. 5 in F Major, Op. 76. After winning the Austrian State Stipendium in 1875, Dvořák' s compositional career reached a pinnacle point and achieved international recognition. Majority of his composition was composed during this period, including this work. Regrettably Symphony No. 5 in F Major did not receive attention immediately, it was only published by Musikverlag Nikolaus Simrock thirteen years later. To make this thesis more comprehensive, two main aspects were analyzed: one from the point of history and his music, the other incorporates practical experiences from conducting. Studying Dvořák' s life journey and this work helps one understands how he was influenced by many composers, including Beethoven, Schubert, Wagner and the classical period masters. Like all symphonies, it is a standard four movements symphony, but in Dvořák' s style, with a number of Bohemian elements. As Dvořák enters his mature period of composition, his style, harmony, rhythm and Bohemian elements becomes a turning point in his symphonic output. Through this research and the significance of this lesser-known symphony, Symphony No. 5 in F Major, the author hopes more people will gain knowledge of this Symphony and encourage more future performances.
This thesis aims to explore the historical and musical value of Dvořák' s Symphony No. 5 in F Major, Op. 76. After winning the Austrian State Stipendium in 1875, Dvořák' s compositional career reached a pinnacle point and achieved international recognition. Majority of his composition was composed during this period, including this work. Regrettably Symphony No. 5 in F Major did not receive attention immediately, it was only published by Musikverlag Nikolaus Simrock thirteen years later. To make this thesis more comprehensive, two main aspects were analyzed: one from the point of history and his music, the other incorporates practical experiences from conducting. Studying Dvořák' s life journey and this work helps one understands how he was influenced by many composers, including Beethoven, Schubert, Wagner and the classical period masters. Like all symphonies, it is a standard four movements symphony, but in Dvořák' s style, with a number of Bohemian elements. As Dvořák enters his mature period of composition, his style, harmony, rhythm and Bohemian elements becomes a turning point in his symphonic output. Through this research and the significance of this lesser-known symphony, Symphony No. 5 in F Major, the author hopes more people will gain knowledge of this Symphony and encourage more future performances.
德沃札克, 交響曲, 指揮詮釋, Dvořák, Symphony, Conducting Interpretation