公共意識的建構:涂爾幹(E. Durkheim)與彌爾(J. S. Mill)的視界

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本文旨在建構一種新的公共意識觀,並以此檢視、理解與回應台灣社會所遭遇到的教育及社會問題。理論基礎的部分,嘗試以兩位19世紀傑出思想家為本,分別是法國的E. Durkheim以及英國的J. S. Mill之思想,前者是社會學領域中結構功能主義的代表人物,後者在自由主義以及效益主義方面之思想,對當代西方社會擁有高度影響力。本文深入析論Durkheim的《社會分工論》,及Mill的《效益論》與《自由論》,探究其與公共意識的關係,以此勾勒出公共意識的模型。 研究發現公共意識的內涵,須立基於穩定的平台上,這包括了對於人類群居架構的忠實理解,以及對當代全球化社會樣貌的精確掌握。而公共意識的本身,既與人們的共同福祉息息相關,也與「自由」的概念脫離不了關係,同時更需要處理傳統價值、分配及正義的相關問題。據此,本文提出「三基柱公共意識觀」。運用這套公共意識觀,深入檢視台灣社會及教育的現況,本文發現公共意識其實可作為解決問題與創造進步的長期動力,同時「福祉」、「自由」與「正義」並重,乃是一種完整展現公共意識的狀態。另一方面,本文也發現公共意識的素養實踐,不僅能夠展現出美感,更能表達心靈的自主性。最終,在公共意識的教育方面,本文建議教師透過美育途徑、體驗式教學及提供多角度的思維視野給學生,以創造真正的「有感教育」;在社會發展方面,建議宜更加關注於台灣較為缺乏的「福祉」與「正義」之素養,在生活與教育的範疇中,皆能多加嘗試,並習慣以更趨完整多元的視角,來解析、理解社會議題與現象,如此將有助於使人們轉換自己既有的觀點,且更加樂於發揮富有公共意識素養的「奉獻精神」。
This study involves concepts and discussions around public issues and public awareness with two basic aims. First, to construct a new perspective for public awareness based on the works from two great thinkers in 19th century – E. Durkheim and J. S. Mill. Durkheim is representative in the sphere of Structural functionalism, while Mill is well known for the thought of Utilitarianism and Liberalism and deeply influenced modern western society. Second, this study attempts to understand social or educational problems we are facing in Taiwanese society nowadays with the scale of public awareness and tries to response with possible solutions. On the foundation of analyzing The Division of Labor in Society, Utilitarianism and On Liberty, this study provides a scale of public awareness, which also can be understand as a new perspective. Results from this study suggest that solid discourses for public awareness stand on the basis of real understanding to not only the society itself, but also the trend of globalization. Public awareness is actually a matter that is highly interrelated with notions such as happiness, freedom and justice. According to this comprehension, this study created a “Three Pillars Model of Public Awareness”. By using this model, it is possible for us to figure out how we can deal with problems under Taiwanese social context. Finally, this study suggest that proper expressions or practices of public awareness have to meet all criterions from justice, freedom and wellbeing.Also, the more accomplishments of public awareness people have, the more autonomy and happiness they tend to have.



公共意識, 涂爾幹, 彌爾, 公民教育, Public awareness, E. Durkheim, J. S. Mill, Civil education





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