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本研究旨在探討於台灣最久的社區報--文山報導,如何與台北縣文山地區農會進行策略聯盟,達到發揮社區教育的功能。 本研究以深度訪談為主,搜集文山報導近三年(民國92年至94年)的合訂本,就文山報導與文山區農會合作開闢的「農會通訊版」內容,由研究者與深坑鄉農會農業推廣股農事推廣員張順達先生合作進行新聞分類,並深入訪談文山地區的農會重要幹部,探討社區報在農會推廣教育的過程、成效。 本研究的結論為社區報與農會策略聯盟創造三贏效果,除了達到推廣社區農業教育的功能外,農會可以藉社區報的平面資料留存成為農會上級單位年度考評最直接的證據,而社區報也可藉農會的延伸服務觸角,發揮社區報報導社區全功能的角色。所以提出建議如下: 一、 農會應與社區報合作晉用人才 二、 台灣社區報經營應模仿文山報導建立合作策略聯盟方式 三、 農會通訊版新聞應儘量均衡 四、 社區報與地方上人際溝通應隨時保持暢通 五、 政府應鼓勵農會與社區報結合
It has long been acknowleged that the main problem associated with the dying-out of community newspapers in Taiwan is due to the lack of financial support. This study focuses on looking at how the oldest community newspaper, Wen Shan Weekly, survived through the strategic alliance with local farmers’ associations in an effort to educate the local farmer community. This study is mainly based on: (1) a qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with the management of local farmers’ associations; and (2) a content analysis of news articles in the ‘Farmers’ Section’ of Wen Shan Weekly from the period of 2003 to 2005. The purpose is to assess the effectiveness of educating the farmers through the cooperation of the Wen Shan Weekly and the Farmers’ Associations in the Wen Shan Region, Taipei, Taiwan. The research finding shows a positive triple-win situation among the community newspaper, the farmers’ associations, and the farmer community. Therefore, the study concludes and suggests: 1. Famers’ associations and community newspapers can share the training and employing of local media professionals. 2. Community newspapers can adapt the strategic alliance model of Wen Shan Weekly and the Wen Shan Region Farmers’ Association. 3. The news should be presented in a more balanced fashion in the Farmers’ News Section to fulfill not only farmers’ needs for educational information but also to provide news that appeals to their other intersests. 4. An open communication system should be established between community newspapers and the local organizations. 5. The government should encourage the cooperation of farmers’ associations and community newspapers. Key words: community education, community newspaper, farmers’ association, strategic alliance



農會, 社區報, 社區教育, 策略聯盟, community education, community newspaper, farmers’ association, strategic alliance





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