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摘要 從十八世紀後期交響曲發展的脈絡觀之,貝多芬《第一號交響曲》所展現的重要性除了對於十八世紀交響曲發展脈絡的承續之外,在主題動機手法上亦開展出不同的道路。 在樂類史的脈絡中,十八世紀中葉到十八世紀晚期是交響曲發展成形的重要時期。交響曲的形式與內容透過服務於歐洲各地的音樂家之嘗試,最終經由海頓的作品奠定其基礎。海頓的作品在當時不僅受到廣泛地喜愛,同時也塑造了交響曲強調「有效的素材運用」與「戲劇性對比」的特色。 「有效的素材運用」關乎到主題動機的運用,因此本文將先詳盡探討並分析貝多芬《第一號交響曲》中的主題動機手法。而後再根據主題動機手法探討「戲劇性對比」如何被貝多芬進一步加強。 本論文藉由回歸十八世紀晚期音樂史與樂類史的脈絡,由「有效的素材運用」與「戲劇性對比」此兩種不同的角度探討貝多芬的首部交響曲作品《第一號交響曲》在主題動機手法上的傳承與創新。
Abstract From the perspective of the development of Symphony genre in late-18th century, Beethoven Symphony No.1 demonstrates the continuity of the development of Symphony in late-18th century. Meanwhile, the thematic motive method used in the music also paved the new way for the followers. In late-18th century, symphony became an instrumental genre, of which the meaning is self-contained and could be independent without words. Using contrasting material to create dramatic tension and the combination of appealing melody and form through thematic motive method became the most crucial trait of symphony.Among the musicians in late-18th century, Haydn’s contribution to Symphony is of the most important. Therefore, through the two traits:”contrast, dramatic tension” and “thematic motive method”, an analysis on Beethoven’s Symphony No.1 could find the difference and the novelty that Beethoven showed in his thematic motive method. Furthermore, through his thematic motive method, the contrast and dramatic tension became even greater. In the context of the development of the symphonies in late-18th century, this thesis seeks to discuss the thematic motive method that Beethoven used in his Symphony No.1. By doing so, the outbreak and the continuity of the tradition of Beethoven Symphony No.1 were expected to be shown.



貝多芬, 第一號交響曲, 主題動機手法, 古典時期, 對比性, Beethoven, Symphony No.1, thematic motive method, Classical period, contrast





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