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本研究旨在探討不同背景變項私立大學學生,在學校行銷策略重要性認知及學校行銷策略執行滿意度之現況及差異情形,並探討不同背景變項私立大學學生在學校行銷策略重要性認知及學校行銷策略執行滿意度之關係。採用問卷調查法進行研究,以個案私立大學110學年度第二學期在學生為研究對象,發放網路問卷。問卷所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析,驗證研究假設,並採IPA探討學校行銷策略重要性與學校行銷執行滿意度的關係,提出結論與建議。本研究所得結論如下: 一、 個案私立大學學生對「學校行銷策略重要性認知」現況在整體層面上屬於高等程度,以「推廣策略」得分最低;「人員策略」得分最高,顯示學生在學校行銷策略中,最重視人員策略。 二、 個案私立大學學生對「學校行銷策略執行滿意度」現況在整體層面上屬於中上程度,以「通路策略」得分最低;「人員策略」得分最高,為個案私立大學學校行銷策略亮點。 三、 個案私立大學不同「入學管道」、「原就讀高中/職教育型態」、「大學就讀學群」學生對「學校行銷策略重要性認知」有顯著差異。 四、 個案私立大學不同「入學管道」、「原就讀高中/職教育型態」、「原就讀高中/職所在縣市」、「大學就讀學群」學生對「學校行銷策略執行滿意度」有顯著差異。 五、 經IPA分析,多數學校行銷策略執行滿意程度題項低於重要性認知程度,表示學校行銷策略仍有進步空間;而IPA分析發現有7個題項落於「優先改善區」,針對優先改善區行銷策略,提出調整及改善建議,以發揮學校行銷最佳綜效,提升學生滿意度。
The purposes of this study are to investigate the differences in the cognition of the importance of school marketing strategies and the satisfaction of the implementation of school marketing strategies among private university students with different background variables, and to explore the relationship between cognition of the importance of school marketing strategies and satisfaction with the implementation of school marketing strategies. Questionnaire survey method was used to conduct the research, taking students in the second semester of the 110-year academic year of a private university as the research object, and an online questionnaires were distributed.The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed by the descriptive statistics, the independent sample t-test, the one-way ANOVA and other statistical methods to verify the research hypotheses. IPA analysis was used to explore the importance of school marketing strategies and the distribution of school marketing implementation satisfaction in each quadrant, and IPA analysis was used to explore the relationship between the importance of school marketing strategies and the satisfaction of school marketing implementation, and put forward conclusions and suggestions.The conclusions of this study are as follows:1. The private university students' awareness of the importance of school marketing strategies is at a high level. "Promotion strategies" haxe the lowest score; "Personnel strategies" have the highest score. Indicating that private university students pay the most attention to "Personnel strategies" in school marketing strategies. 2. The private university students' satisfaction with school marketing strategies execution is at an upper-middle level. "Access strategies" have the lowest score; "Personnel strategies" have the highest score, which is the highlight of the private university's school marketing strategies. 3. Students with different "enrollment channels", "original high school/vocational education types" and "university study departments" have significant differences in the importance of school marketing strategies. 4. Students with different "enrollment channels", "original high school/vocational education types", "former high school/vocational county" and "university study departments" have significant differences in the satisfaction of school marketing strategies. 5. According to Importance–Performance Analysis, most of the items of satisfaction level are lower than the level of importance recognition, indicating that there is still room for improvement in school marketing strategies; 7 items are found to be in the " concentrate here". For the" concentrate here" marketing strategies, put forward adjustment and improvement suggestions. Good synergy and improve student satisfaction.



私立大學, 學校行銷, 重要-表現程度分析, private university, school marketing, Importance–Performance Analysis





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