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本研究旨在探討「音高型教學」應用於七年級歌唱教學之研究歷程,其教學前後之差異情形。本研究教學活動實施歷經兩個月,研究者以任教學校中,抽取七年級兩班的學生作為研究對象,分為甲、乙兩班,每週兩節課,每節以10~15分鐘為限,共計二十四節課。 本研究採用Gordon音樂學習理論的教學理念,根據研究目的,研究者自行設計「音高型教學活動」及自編「曲調聽力測驗」試題、「曲調聽唱評定量表」、「曲調結束感創作評定量表」、「歌曲歌唱音準評定量表」及「學生自陳量表」、「教學觀察量表」、「教師教學日誌」等。本研究配合量化與質性分析,進行各階段教學活動與各項測驗的分析與探討,以瞭解研究對象之曲調聽力與歌唱音準能力表現之改變情形。 本研究資料以SPSS 統計套裝軟體進行相依樣本t 檢定、信度分析、Pearson積差相關、描述性統計以及質性分析,進行資料分析與討論。本研究所得的結果與發現如下: (一)經由「音高型教學」後,學生「曲調聽力」表現顯著提升 (二)經由「音高型教學」後,學生「歌唱音準」表現顯著提升 (三)學生肯定「音高型教學」的學習成效 (四)「音高型教學」能提升學生歌唱音準能力 (五)「音高型教學」可提升學生的「曲調聽唱」表現 最後研究者依據研究結果提出建議,以提供未來學校、教師及相關研究之參考。
This study was to exam the process and the effects of tonal patterns applied to teaching singing for seventh graders. The act research was conducted for two months. Two classes of seventh graders were selected, and both Class A and B were having tonal pattern experiences twice per week; 10-15 minutes each session, and 24 sessions in total. The study adopted Gordon’s music learning theories. “tonal patterns activities”, “tonal aural test”, “tonal singing test,” “melodic phrase ending creativity test”, “singing accuracy test”, “student self-report scale”, “class-observation scale”, and “class journal,” were designed and applied in this research. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected for this study. The findings were as follows: 1)The subjects’ aural skills show a significant improvement after the tonal patterns activities. 2)The subjects’ singing accuracy had a significant improvement after the tonal patterns activities. 3)The subjects had positive feedback toward tonal patterns activities.. 4)Teachers approved that tonal patterns activities help students’ singing accuracy. 5)Teaching tonal patterns were helpful for students’ tonal audiation performance. Many suggestions were given for elementary teachers, schools and further research in the future.



Gordon音樂學習理論, 音高型教學, 音樂評量, 行動研究, Gordon music learning theory, Tonal patterns, Music assessment, Action research





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