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本研究旨在瞭解目前高中生英語自我效能、英語學習焦慮、英語學習策略與英語學習成就的現況;探討不同背景變項之高中生在英語自我效能、英語學習焦慮、英語學習策略與英語學習成就的差異情形;分析高中生英語自我效能、英語學習焦慮、英語學習策略與英語學習成就的相關情形與交互作用;探究高中生英語自我效能、英語學習焦慮與英語學習策略對英語學習成就的預測作用,以及何者為影響英語學習成就的主要預測因子;最後再根據研究結論,提出對高中生英語學習、教師教學、國家教育規劃與未來研究之具體建議。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查方法。首先,蒐集相關理論與文獻,其次依據文獻分析與前導研究資料,編製「高中生英語學習經驗調查問卷」作為研究工具。在進行實徵研究中,以台北市公、私立高中生為主要母群體,抽取12所學校,共1,002位高二學生為樣本,回收問卷973份,回收率97.11%,扣除無效問卷後,有效問卷為876份,可用率為90.03%。問卷資料以描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、三因子變異數分析、單因子多變量變異數分析、Person積差相關分析、典型相關分析以及逐步迴歸分析等方法進行統計處理。   綜合文獻分析之結果與調查研究之發現,獲得以下結論: 一、目前高中生英語自我效能普遍良好;英語學習焦慮程度不高,主要焦慮來源為溝通恐懼焦慮;英語學習策略使用情形不足,認知練習策略為最常使用的策略,功能練習策略為最少使用的策略;英語學習成就尚可,但個別差異相當大,因此仍有提升空間。 二、不同背景變項的高中生在英語自我效能、英語學習焦慮、英語學習策略與英語學習成就上有部分差異存在:不同性別的高中生在英語自我效能、整體英語學習焦慮、溝通恐懼焦慮和課室焦慮上沒有顯著差異,雖然女生在師生互動焦慮、整體英語學習策略的使用情形和英語學習成就上顯著高於男生,但關係非常微弱;兒童美語經驗較多和入學基測成績較高的學生,其英語學習焦慮較低,英語自我效能、英語學習策略和英語學習成就也較佳;雖然每週補習時數在3~4小時以內的學生之英語自我效能、英語學習策略與英語學習成就皆顯著高於沒有補習的學生,但關係非常微弱,而其他補習時數的學生則在英語自我效能、英語學習焦慮、英語學習策略和英語學習成就各層面上皆沒有顯著差異;不同自修唸書時數的高中生在溝通恐懼焦慮和師生互動焦慮層面上沒有顯著差異,但在英語自我效能、整體英語學習焦慮、課室焦慮、英語學習策略整體和分層面與英語學習成就上皆有顯著差異。 三、高中生英語自我效能、英語學習焦慮、英語學習策略與英語學習成就之整體與各層面間皆達顯著相關。 四、高中生英語自我效能、英語學習焦慮與英語學習策略對英語學習成就沒有交互作用存在。 五、高中生英語自我效能、英語學習焦慮與英語學習策略對其英語學習成就有顯著預測力。英語自我效能為最佳預測英語學習成就的指標,英語學習焦慮和英語學習策略各層面中,則分別以課室焦慮與功能練習策略最具有預測作用。 本研究最後依據研究結論,提出各項建議,以提供高中學生、教師、 國家英語教育規劃者與未來研究者之參考。
This study aims to (1) examine the English self-efficacy, English learning anxiety, English learning strategies and English learning achievement of today’s senior high school students; (2) investigate the differences in English self-efficacy, English learning anxiety, English learning strategies and English learning achievement of senior high school students with different backgrounds; (3) analyze the correlation and interaction effect among English self-efficacy, English learning anxiety, English learning strategies and English learning effectiveness of senior high school students; (4) study the predicting power of the English self-efficacy, English learning anxiety, English learning strategies of senior high school students on English learning achievement, and explain the predicting factors which may have an impact on English learning achievement; (5) give concrete suggestions on senior English language learning, teaching, education and future studies based on the conclusions drawn from this study. To achieve the above aims, this study adopted the data collection method of a survey. First, related theories and literature were collected. Next a “Questionnaire for senior high school student’s English learning experience” was devised as a research tool based on the analysis of literature and information of pilot studies. The subjects were senior high school students in Taipei public and private schools. The subjects were 1,002 second graders from 12 senior high schools, and 973 questionnaires were collected. The proportion of returned questionnaires was 97.11%. 876 were valid questionnaires. The proportion of valid questionnaires was 90.03%. The data were processed and analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, three-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA, Person product-moment correlation, canonical correlation and stepwise regression analysis. The following conclusions were drawn from the literature review and results of the survey: 1.The English self-efficacy of the senior high school students is generally good. The level of English learning anxiety is not high; the main source of anxiety is communication apprehension. Appropriate English learning strategies have not been adopted; the most common strategies used are the cognitive practice strategies and the least used strategies are functional practice strategies. The achievement of English learning is satisfactory but individual differences are great so there is still some room for improvement. 2.There are differences among students with different backgrounds in English learning self-efficacy, English learning anxiety, English learning strategies and English learning achievement. There is no gender difference in English self-efficacy, overall English learning anxiety, communication apprehension and classroom anxiety among senior high school students. However, female students are better than male students in student/teacher interactive anxiety, the use of overall English learning strategies and English learning achievement. While the results only show significance difference in statistical measurement, the correlation between gender and the various parameters is weak. The level of English learning anxiety is lower, English self-efficacy is higher and English learning strategies and English learning achievement are better for those who have more childhood English learning experience and better school entrance basic competence English test results. Students who attend 3 to 4 hours’ after-school classes per week performed better in English self-efficacy, English learning strategies, and English learning achievement than students who do not but the correlation between the various parameters is weak. For other students who attend after-school classes, there is no obvious difference on English learning self-efficacy, English learning anxiety, English learning strategies and English learning achievement. There is no significant difference between students who spend different self-study hours on communication apprehension and student/teacher interaction anxiety but there is significant difference in English learning strategies and English learning achievement. 3.The overall and different levels of English self-efficacy, English learning anxiety, English learning strategies and English learning achievement of the senior high school students were found to be interrelated. 4.Interaction effect was not found among senior high school students’ English self-efficacy, English learning anxiety, English learning strategies and English learning achievement. 5.Senior high school students’ English self-efficacy, English learning anxiety and English learning strategies have predictive power on their English learning achievement. English self-efficacy is the best indicator for English learning achievement. On different levels of English learning anxiety and English learning strategies, the predictive power of classroom anxiety and functional practice strategies are stronger. Lastly, this study puts forward suggestions based on the conclusions of the research. They may provide reference for senior high school students, teachers, educators and future researchers.



自我效能, 學習焦慮, 學習策略, 學習成就, 英語學習, self-efficacy, learning anxiety, learning strategies, leaning achievement, English learning





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