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本研究旨在探討高中職生完美主義、自尊與復原力之情形,以及三者之間的關係,並進一步了解自尊在高中職生完美主義傾向與復原力間之中介效果。本研究採用問卷調查法,針對桃園區高中職生625人為研究對象,運用「中文版多向度完美主義量表」、「自我喜愛感/自我能力感量表-修正版」及「青少年復原力量表」做為研究工具,進行資料收集。所得資料依研究問題,以描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、皮爾遜積差相關、典型相關與多元迴歸方法進行統計分析。 主要研究結果如下:1. 高中職生的正向努力完美主義得分較高,尤其以「組織性」的得分最高。其中「父母批評」在高中職男生的得分顯著高於女生,「個人標準」、「組織性」及「正向努力」則是女生的得分高於男生。在不同學制上,高職生的「父母批評」程度高於高中生,而「正向努力」與「個人標準」則是高中生的程度高於高職生。2. 高中職生在自我喜愛感與自我能力感的得分均高於中間值,且無性別與學制上的差異。3. 高中職生具有中等程度以上的復原力,其中「對他人正向態度」女生得分高於男生,在不同學制上並無顯著差異。4. 完美主義傾向與自尊有相關,過度在意完美主義與自尊均為負相關,正向努力完美主義與自尊均為正相關。5.自尊與復原力有中度正相關。6.完美主義與復原力有相關,過度在意完美主義與復原力為負相關,正向努力完美主義與復原力為正相關。7. 自尊在過度在意評價完美主義與復原力之間有完全中介作用。8. 自尊在正向努力完美主義與復原力之間有部分中介作用。 最後,依據本研究結果加以討論並提出具體建議,以做為家長、學校教育、諮商輔導及未來研究之參考。
The purpose of the study is to explore the status quo of high school students’ perfectionism, self-esteem, and resilience as well as the relation among the three. Furthermore, self-esteem is also added to further explore if it has the mediated effect between perfectionism and resilience. Survey data were collected from 625 high school students in Tao-Yuan District. Subjects were asked to fill out a questionnaire which includes Chinese Version of Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, Self-Liking and Self-Competence Scale-Revised, and the Scale of Resilience. According to the research questions, the collected data were mainly analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson correlation analysis, canonical correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1. High school students get higher scores on positive striving perfectionism, and especially, “organization” is the highest one. Further, it is found that boys in high school get higher scores on “parental criticism” than girls do; compared with boy students, girls on the contrary do better on“personal standards,” “organization,” and “positive striving.” About different educational systems, vocational students get stronger “parental criticism” than senior high school students do, and on the other side, senior high school students’ scores of “positive striving perfectionism” and “personal standards” beat vocational students’. 2. The scores high school students get in self-liking and self-competence are both above the median value, there is no differences in demographics of different schools and gender. 3. High school students own the resilience which is above the average, and girls especially get better scores on “positive attitudes toward others” than boys do, and there is no differences in demographics of different schools. 4. Perfectionism and self-esteem are correlated: maladaptive evaluation concern perfectionism and self-esteem appear in a negative correlation; on the other side, positive striving perfectionism and elf-esteem have a positive correlation. 5. There exists a moderate correlation between self-esteem and resilience. 6. Perfectionism and resilience are correlated: maladaptive evaluation concern perfectionism and resilience have a negative correlation; however, there is a positive correlation between positive striving perfectionism and resilience. 7. Maladaptive evaluation concern perfectionism and resilience are significantly mediated by self-esteem. 8. Self-esteem has a partial mediated effect between positive striving perfectionism and resilience. Finally, the conclusion and the suggestion are proposed according to the findings, and these could also be used as examples for parents, school teaching, counseling, and further researches.



高中職生, 完美主義, 自尊, 復原力, High school students, Perfectionism, Self-esteem, Resilience





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