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本研究旨在比較國小自閉症與一般學童於再認記憶的發展異同,並探討中文語意透明度及詞頻對兩組學童再認記憶裡清晰回憶以及熟悉度判斷歷程的影響。 實驗一中以二階段記得/知道實驗任務測量一般學童再認記憶裡清晰回憶以及熟悉度判斷歷程,研究結果顯示中、高年級學童的再認記憶無年齡差異,但高年級清晰回憶大於中年級,熟悉度判斷歷程小於中年級的現象。實驗二以同樣的實驗任務測量中年級與高年級自閉症學童的再認記憶,兩個年段的再認記憶及其雙歷程並無明顯的差異。綜合分析比較一般與自閉症學童再認記憶的表現,顯示一般與自閉症學童並無明顯的發展差異。 本研究同時操弄中文語意透明度及詞頻以檢視兩種詞性對再認記憶中清晰回憶以及熟悉度判斷歷程的影響。研究結果顯示中文語意透明度在一般與自閉症學童組的比較上並無組別間的交互作用,且兩組都有語意不透明詞的正確再認率大於透明詞,而錯誤再認率小於透明詞的鏡像效應。此外,在實驗一對詞頻的分析並未發現詞頻對一般學童的再認記憶有明顯的影響,但在實驗二的分析則顯示在校正後的知道反應中,自閉症學童對高頻詞的熟悉度判斷歷程大於低頻詞。綜合分析比較亦發現在校正後的知道反應中詞頻對一般學童及自閉症學童再認記憶的影響有差異,顯示自閉症學童對高頻詞的熟悉度判斷歷程大於低頻詞,但一般學童的再認記憶沒有詞頻上的差異。 整體而言,一般學童與自閉症學童的組間差異不明顯,兩組在再認記憶的發展上都有整體正確再認率無年齡差異,但在雙歷程的清晰回憶歷程上有高年級大於中年級,熟悉度判斷歷程中年級大於高年級的現象。此外,語意透明度的鏡像效應並不受年齡及樣本族群影響,在整體再認率上都有正確再認率不透明詞大於透明詞且錯誤再認率小於透明詞的現象。
The purpose of this study is to explore the developmental differences of recognition memory between typical develop children and autistic children. The effect of semantic transparency and word frequency of Chinese characters in the process of recollection and familiar were also explored. In Experiment 1, the two-step procedure of remember / know task was employed to measure the recognition memory of typical develop children. No age difference was observed. The process of recollection and familiarity between grades on the other hand revealed significant differences. Students in older students had more recollection and less familiarity comparing to young students. In Experiment 2, the same task was used to measure the recognition memory and it processes of autistic children. Similar results were observed as experiment one. Further analysis showed that no developmental difference was found on the recognition memory of the typical develop and autistic children. There was also no significant difference in the effect of Chinese semantic transparency on the recognition memory between the two groups. The main differences between the two groups appeared in the adjusted know response, indicating that autistic children aligned with more familiar in the high frequency words than the low frequency words.



再認記憶, 語意透明度, 記得/知道, 自閉症, Recognition memory, Semantic transparency, Remember/know, Autism





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