
dc.contributorTseng, Chin-Chinen_US
dc.contributorTu, Chao-Meien_US
dc.contributor.authorTINA PHANGen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,臺灣各大專院校積極地向國外擴大招生,並提供各項獎學金以吸引國外學生至臺求學。據臺灣教育部2014年之統計,印尼為臺灣第五大境外生來源國,原因是印尼政府自2012年起,即將臺灣列為印尼公費攻讀博士的四大優先國之一。印尼外籍生來臺求學,雖然課業上以英語授課,但在日常生活中還是需要用華語進行溝通。在印尼,目前除了缺少針對臺灣日常生活而設計的教材之外,也缺乏針對印尼人學習華語的特別需求的教材。根據來臺留學的印尼學生的經驗分享,臺灣與印尼除了在語言上有差異(印尼語屬於無聲調語言及表音文字),兩者之社會文化也大不同,尤其對飲食比一般人講究的伊斯蘭教徒而言,如何適應臺灣的飲食文化便成為了一個挑戰。有鑑於此,筆者依據印尼學生之留臺經驗,設計最適合將赴臺留學之印尼母語者的華語零起點短期速成教材,以符合印尼背景學習者的特別需求。 本研究採用「內容分析法」和「調查研究法」。首先,本研究探討相關領域之文獻,包括第二語言教材編寫相關理論、短期速成華語教材編寫相關理論、教學法以及華語與印尼語的對比分析研究,以作為教材設計之理論基礎。其次,本研究評析具代表性的兩岸現有初級華語短期教材及應急類華語相關之教材共7套。接著,本研究針對39位在臺之印尼籍學生進行問卷調查,並從中選出5位進行深入訪談,以瞭解其對短期速成華語教材的看法及需求。之後,本研究依據理論探討和需求分析,整理出適合印尼母語者來臺留學之華語零起點短期速成教材之編寫原則,包括針對性原則、實用性原則、交際原則、科學性原則、趣味性原則、真實性及多媒體輔助及行動學習,並依據這些原則編寫內容大綱及單元範例。最後,本研究提出研究總結及對未來後續研究之建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, many universities in Taiwan have been actively promoting their schools globally. In order to attract international students, universities have provided abundant scholarships opportunities. In the year 2012, the Indonesian government announced Taiwan as one of the top four priority countries, where a PhD student candidate may apply for government scholarship. Ever since, according to the statistics from the Ministry of Education in the year 2014, Indonesia is among the top 5 countries sending its students to receive higher education in Taiwan. Although the medium of instruction is conducted in English, Chinese is still the main communication tool for everyday life. Books related to the Taiwanese daily life and Chinese language text books for specific purposes are very rare in Indonesian bookstores. Based on the experiences of Indonesian students studying in Taiwan, living in Indonesia and living in Taiwan are totally different, not only in terms of the languages but also in terms of the cultural differences. For example, for the majority of Muslim students, eating is a matter of faith in Islam. How to meet their dietary law in Taiwan can be quite challenging sometime. So, the author carefully consider the experiences of Indonesian students studying in Taiwan to tailor the contents of a short-term intensive material, such that it can be an appropriate teaching material for them to learn Chinese in the shortest possible time period. This study applies the content analysis, survey, and developmental research in its methodology. In general, this study can be divided into sixth stages. In the first stage, literature related this study, including the study of material design for second language acquisition, the study of material design for short-term intensive Chinese course, teaching pedagogy and contrastive analysis between Chinese and Indonesia languages, were reviewed. At the second stage, the author critically evaluated seven Chinese beginners teaching materials and survival guidebooks from China and Taiwan. Then, in the third stage, a questionnaire was conducted with the sample size of 39 Indonesian students who are currently studying in Taiwan, and five of them were interviewed to understand further their expectation of a teaching material for Indonesian students planning to study in Taiwan. Based on the theories and needs analysis of the students, the author compile and formulate several principals in designing a short-term teaching material for Indonesian students studying in Taiwan with no previous Chinese language learning experience. Following it, in the fifth stage, the basic outline of the teaching material and some selected units of the material were presented as examples. Finally, conclusions and recommendations material are provided for future references.en_US
dc.subjectShort-term intensive Chinese teaching materialsen_US
dc.subjectChinese teaching materialsen_US
dc.subjectTeaching Chinese material designen_US
dc.subjectStudy in Taiwanen_US
dc.subjectIndonesian studentsen_US
dc.titleThe Design of Short-term Intensive Chinese Teaching Materials for Indonesian Language Speakers Planning to Study in Taiwan (Beginner Level)en_US


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