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本研究旨在探索國民中學學校行政倫理制度化的現象。學校行政倫理制度化可以規 範學校人員的非理性行為,以利催化教育專業實踐續航力。此外,學校行政理制度化中 會透過倫理方案的實施加以啟動,進而喚起組織變革歷程,以緩和個體的抗拒,進而衍 生個體對於倫理實踐具有持續性的行為與意圖,並能擴大實現教育慈善志業的機會。所 謂學校行政倫理制度化係指:『在學校行政歷程中,為了強化學校特殊脈絡的審視或情 境的回應,並深耕教育企業的經營,強化學生學習需求的敏銳性,領導者能夠進行個人 道德哲學的反省,並戮力於學校組織良善生活的探索,以影響學校成員共同建立行為規 範,進而建立一套道德信念,作為學校成員的行為準則、慣例、期待等,以促使學校成 員展現持續性的道德行為,並形成慣例,以確保其履行道德義務的續航力。』其有推動 價值,但其現象卻相當複雜,本研究從倫理實施方案、組織變革歷程、個體行為或意圖、 教育慈善志業各面向,來探索寶貴的知識,以為教育體系提出建議。為達到本研究目的, 本研究以三年進行深度的研究。第一年採用採用曾受教育行政倫理培訓一學期以上之領 導者的觀點,探索具體的資料,以利快速累積研究成果;第二年採用質性個案研究法, 選擇一所學校行政倫理制度化深刻的國中進行研究,以利瞭解此議題的複雜現象,並持 續累積本研究相當稀少的文獻及成果;第三年採用問卷調查法,以利深入瞭解,本研究 各種結果的廣泛應用到情境。根據研究結果,本研究提出結論與建議,以供相關人員或 機構參考。
This study is to explore the phenomenon of institutionalization of ethics in school administration in junior high schools. The institutionalization of ethics in school administration can decrease educators’irrational behaviors and improves their professional praxis. Further speaking, the institutionalization of ethics in school administration would be promoted by ethical programs .Also, the processes of organizational change is viewed as intermediate variables in order to facilitate institutionalization of ethics in school administration, which would influence individuals’ behaviors and intention. Eventually, the results of behaviors and intentions can help realize philanthropic aspirations for education. This study defines institutionalization of ethics in school administration as ” in the process in school administration for responding specific context, the needs of educational enterprise, and students’learning, leaders themselves can reflect moral philosophy and make efforts to explore good life in organizations in order to establish common norms, principles, and social expectation, which is used as a set of belief system and common behaviors’principles. Then, school members can show moral behaviors continuously in order to make sure to charge moral obligation”. In order to understand the complex phenomenon of institutionalization of ethics in school administration, the study discusses the related purposes from the dimensions of ethical programs, organizational change, individuals’behaviors or intentions, and philanthropic aspirations for education. The discussions first focus on the construction of institutionalization of ethics in school administration and second its effects. In order to reach the purposes, researchers will complete the study in three years and select junior high schools as samples in large Taipei area. The study applies the method of interview to collect leaders’opinions in the first year. These leasers have learned the curriculum of ethics for educational administration. Also, it applies qualitative case study to inquire the complex phenomenon of institutionalization of ethics in school administration in the second year and selects a junior school as an example in large Taipei Area. Then, the study applies investigative method of questionnaires to explore the related questions and selects all junior high schools in large Taipei Areas as samples. Eventually, the study provides people with conclusions and suggestions according to the research results.







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