本研究旨在探討臺北縣國民教育階段新住民子女教育政策執行之情形,採用問卷調查法蒐集資料解決研究問題,以立意抽樣抽取臺北縣160所國民中小學教師,包括:校長、教師兼主任、教師兼組長、教師為調查研究對象進行調查研究。總計發出480份問卷,回收405份,有效問卷393份,所得資料以SPSS for Windows17.0之平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料處理。綜合文獻探討及問卷調查結果,本研究獲致以下結論:
The main purpose of this research was to explore the implementation of compulsory educational policy for the new immigrant children in Taipei County. In order to answer research questions, questionnaire survey was adopted to collect pertinent data. 160 junior high and elementary schools in Taipei County were selected by purposive sampling, and the respondents included principals, directors, leaders, and teachers. All of the 480 questionnaires were distributed with 405 returned. With the effective questionnaire of 393, all data was processed and analyzed by statistics methods such as mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Based on literature review and questionnaire survey, the conclusions are as follows: 1. The mostly executed compulsory educational policy for the new immigrant children in Taipei County included “application for new immigrant children scholarship”, “offer new immigrant family information of parental education ”, and” offer new immigrant children after school class”. 2. “ The communication between executives and target group“ and “the willingness and ability of executives” were the two decisive factors that the compulsory educational policy implementation for the new immigrant children in Taipei County faced. 3. The difficulties of the compulsory educational policy implementation for the new immigrant children in Taipei County were “new immigrant parents reluctant to join in multicultural activities in school” and “school human resource shortage”. 4. The improvement strategies of the compulsory educational policy for the new immigrant children in Taipei County included “to advocate multicultural and international understanding”, “to offer teacher multicultural courses”, and “educational administration enacts explicit and executable new immigrant children educational policy”. 5. The teachers’ viewpoint about the compulsory educational policy implementation for the new immigrant children had significant difference in terms of demographic variables, such as sex, administrative position, and educational background. 6. The teachers’ viewpoint about the decisive factors on the compulsory educational policy implementation for the new immigrant children had significant difference in terms of administrative position, and educational background 7. The teachers’ viewpoint about the difficulties of the compulsory educational policy implementation for the new immigrant children had significant difference in terms of school districts.
The main purpose of this research was to explore the implementation of compulsory educational policy for the new immigrant children in Taipei County. In order to answer research questions, questionnaire survey was adopted to collect pertinent data. 160 junior high and elementary schools in Taipei County were selected by purposive sampling, and the respondents included principals, directors, leaders, and teachers. All of the 480 questionnaires were distributed with 405 returned. With the effective questionnaire of 393, all data was processed and analyzed by statistics methods such as mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Based on literature review and questionnaire survey, the conclusions are as follows: 1. The mostly executed compulsory educational policy for the new immigrant children in Taipei County included “application for new immigrant children scholarship”, “offer new immigrant family information of parental education ”, and” offer new immigrant children after school class”. 2. “ The communication between executives and target group“ and “the willingness and ability of executives” were the two decisive factors that the compulsory educational policy implementation for the new immigrant children in Taipei County faced. 3. The difficulties of the compulsory educational policy implementation for the new immigrant children in Taipei County were “new immigrant parents reluctant to join in multicultural activities in school” and “school human resource shortage”. 4. The improvement strategies of the compulsory educational policy for the new immigrant children in Taipei County included “to advocate multicultural and international understanding”, “to offer teacher multicultural courses”, and “educational administration enacts explicit and executable new immigrant children educational policy”. 5. The teachers’ viewpoint about the compulsory educational policy implementation for the new immigrant children had significant difference in terms of demographic variables, such as sex, administrative position, and educational background. 6. The teachers’ viewpoint about the decisive factors on the compulsory educational policy implementation for the new immigrant children had significant difference in terms of administrative position, and educational background 7. The teachers’ viewpoint about the difficulties of the compulsory educational policy implementation for the new immigrant children had significant difference in terms of school districts.
新住民子女教育, 教育政策, 教育政策執行, 政策執行影響因素, new immigrant children education, educational policy, educational policy implementation, decisive factors of policy implementation