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學校效能與改進之領域發展數十年,至今累積不少研究成果,然而如何衡量 學校改進確實發揮效能,卻是此領域較少著墨的。有鑒於評鑑在典範的更迭下, 愈發重視激發個體權能以及促進組織發展之功能,故可與學校效能與改進研究作 一結合,發展評鑑導向學校發展之學術議題,且進一步將其放入教育場域加以實 踐。本整合型計畫即本乎上述之意圖,延續國立台灣師範大學教育研究與評鑑中 心推動之「學校全面發展」前導性研究,以一項總計畫及四項子計畫進行。總計 畫在實施研究之介入(intervention),並彙整各子計畫之成果,兼具行動與研究 之旨趣。而子計畫則以評鑑導向的學校發展中的四項議題進行探究:大學與學校 夥伴關係(university and school partnership)、資料驅動決定(data-driven decision making)、專業學習社群(professional learning community)、以及評鑑能力建立 (evaluation capacity building)。計畫共為期三年,以台北縣、桃園縣各兩所國中 為研究場域,期冀研究最後發展出一個大學與學校攜手推動之「評鑑導向的學校 發展模式」,以作下一階段推廣之用。
The area of school effectiveness and improvement has been booming for several decades and great volumes of studies have been accumulated. However, the measurement of the effectiveness of school improvements is a hardly touched issue. Under the shift of evaluation paradigm, the functions of individual empowerment and organization development are emphasized nowadays. It prompts the integration of evaluation and school improvement. It will be an academic topic worth investigation and will be a significant initiative in the school field. The present project, with the aforementioned intention, aims to use three years to embark the approach of evaluation-oriented school development in four junior high schools, two each in Taipei and Taoyuan County. It is hoped that the project will develop a model for the future use to enlarge the implementation scale.
The area of school effectiveness and improvement has been booming for several decades and great volumes of studies have been accumulated. However, the measurement of the effectiveness of school improvements is a hardly touched issue. Under the shift of evaluation paradigm, the functions of individual empowerment and organization development are emphasized nowadays. It prompts the integration of evaluation and school improvement. It will be an academic topic worth investigation and will be a significant initiative in the school field. The present project, with the aforementioned intention, aims to use three years to embark the approach of evaluation-oriented school development in four junior high schools, two each in Taipei and Taoyuan County. It is hoped that the project will develop a model for the future use to enlarge the implementation scale.