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德布西 (Achille-Claude Debussy, 1862-1918) 是十九世紀末、二十世紀初 最重要的法國作曲家之一,他的作品打破過去的調性與和聲功能的體制規範, 在音色、旋律、和聲、節奏上的種種突破,經常為後人分析與研究。有關德 布西的研究不計其數,題目也涵蓋廣泛,筆者把德布西視為起首,探究德布 西獨特的創作手法對二十世紀音樂帶來的影響。本論文以德布西的《版畫》及《海頓頌》、《小黑人》、《比緩版更慢》 與《兒童天地》中的〈黑娃娃步態舞〉共七首小品為曲目,探討其傳統與創 新之處。全文共分為五章:第一章為緒論,包含研究動機與目的、研究範圍 與方法;第二章簡述德布西的生平與音樂特色;第三章依循傳統,討論創作 背景與樂曲分析;第四章以創新的角度,剖析爵士風格與七首小品的串連, 以和弦符號、爵士創作元素、爵士寫作手法切入,佐以繁音拍子的沿革、阿 巴內拉舞曲節奏與西班牙吉普賽音階之分析;第五章為結語,為筆者綜合前 四章觀察後的心得。
Achille-Claude Debussy (1862-1918) was one of the most siginificant French composers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His compositions broke the restrictions of tonality and functional harmony. Later generations have done many researches on those breakthroughs in tone color, melody, harmony, and rhythm. There are countless studies focus on Debussy‟s unique compositional techniques and his influences on 20th century music.In this study, I will focus on Denussy‟s traditional and innovational aspects in seven short pieces, which includes Estampes, Hommage à Haydn, Le petit Negre, La plus que lente and Golliwog’s Cake Walk from Children’s Corner. There are five Chapters. Chapter one introduces motivation and purpose of study, scope of the study and its methods. Chapter two unfolds Debussy‟s biography and the characteristics of his music. The third focuses on the traditional analysis of Debussy‟s works. And the fourth is a study of Debussy‟s innovative ways of composition. Also, a further discussion in his connection with Jazz elements, such as chord symbols, Ragtime, Habanera rhythm, and Spanish Gypsy scale will be included. The last chapter, summarizes the whole study.
Achille-Claude Debussy (1862-1918) was one of the most siginificant French composers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His compositions broke the restrictions of tonality and functional harmony. Later generations have done many researches on those breakthroughs in tone color, melody, harmony, and rhythm. There are countless studies focus on Debussy‟s unique compositional techniques and his influences on 20th century music.In this study, I will focus on Denussy‟s traditional and innovational aspects in seven short pieces, which includes Estampes, Hommage à Haydn, Le petit Negre, La plus que lente and Golliwog’s Cake Walk from Children’s Corner. There are five Chapters. Chapter one introduces motivation and purpose of study, scope of the study and its methods. Chapter two unfolds Debussy‟s biography and the characteristics of his music. The third focuses on the traditional analysis of Debussy‟s works. And the fourth is a study of Debussy‟s innovative ways of composition. Also, a further discussion in his connection with Jazz elements, such as chord symbols, Ragtime, Habanera rhythm, and Spanish Gypsy scale will be included. The last chapter, summarizes the whole study.
德布西, 《版畫》, 《黑娃娃步態舞》, 《海頓頌》, 《小黑人》, 《比緩版更慢》, 爵士風格, 繁音拍子, 阿巴內拉舞曲, 西班牙吉普賽音階, Debussy, Estampes, Golliwog's Cake Walk, Hommage à Haydn, Le petit Negre, La plus que lente, Jazz, Ragtime, Habanera, Spanish Gypsy scale