國民中學節能減碳學校課程研發與推廣-子計畫一:健康與體育學習領域健康學域( I )
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全球暖化所帶來的問題,嚴重威脅人類生存的環境,因此如何抑制環境進一步惡化與如何保護地球的環境議題,是人類的共同要面對的課題。聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)自2005年開始推動聯合國永續發展教育十年(United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, UNDESD),也將全球暖化列為教育的核心主題之一,而學校教育是其中的重要一環。 本三年期子計畫為延續「國民中學節能減碳永續教育研究」二年期計畫的初步結果~健康學域節能減碳永續教育教學模組、教學與學習效果,繼續修正健康學域試驗教學後之節能減碳教學模組,進行實驗與正式教學和成果評量,並與其他子計畫~生物、理化、公民學域與綜合領域合作,舉辦全國北中南東教師節能減碳教學觀摩研習會與增能工作坊,以推廣研究之成效,同時擬訂九年一貫國中階段(七~九年級)健康與體育學習領域健康學域之能源教育的分段能力指標與補充說明,作為教育部訂定健康與體育學習領域健康學域之教科書,編寫有關能源教育的重要參考。
Curriculum development and implementation of energy education for junior high schools~ Health and Physical education/Health learning area Global warming and its associated problems are believed to threat the living environment of all mankind. How to slow the train of deterioration and protect the earth are the common concerns that all the human beings should face today. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESO) list global warming as the focus issue in the program of United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD) in 2005, where school education plays an important role to accomplish the above goals. This subproject is a three years extension of the previous 2 years subproject “a study on sustainable education of energy saving and carbon reduction at junior high schools- Health and Physical education/Health learning area”. In this subproject, health learning area will develop new energy education modules based on the teaching modules developed in the previous subproject. The modified teaching modules of health learning area will be used in experimental/ formal teaching and be evaluated afterwards. Four energy education workshops will be held at Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Hualien, to introduce the teaching modules developed in this subproject and three other subprojects to junior high school teachers in Taiwan. The results of this subproject can be applied to modify the present competence indicators of energy education on Health and Physical education/Health learning area for junior high school (7th grade to 9th grade).
Curriculum development and implementation of energy education for junior high schools~ Health and Physical education/Health learning area Global warming and its associated problems are believed to threat the living environment of all mankind. How to slow the train of deterioration and protect the earth are the common concerns that all the human beings should face today. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESO) list global warming as the focus issue in the program of United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD) in 2005, where school education plays an important role to accomplish the above goals. This subproject is a three years extension of the previous 2 years subproject “a study on sustainable education of energy saving and carbon reduction at junior high schools- Health and Physical education/Health learning area”. In this subproject, health learning area will develop new energy education modules based on the teaching modules developed in the previous subproject. The modified teaching modules of health learning area will be used in experimental/ formal teaching and be evaluated afterwards. Four energy education workshops will be held at Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Hualien, to introduce the teaching modules developed in this subproject and three other subprojects to junior high school teachers in Taiwan. The results of this subproject can be applied to modify the present competence indicators of energy education on Health and Physical education/Health learning area for junior high school (7th grade to 9th grade).