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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU


數理資優往往意味著高智力,但兩者並非同一概念。近期研究指出數理資優個體的大腦結構與常人不同,更發現數理資優與智力在大腦白質結構連結之差異。然而,卻鮮少研究從大腦區域同質性觀點探討數理資優、智力與大腦灰質結構的關係。是以,本研究招募16 位數理資優大學生,平均年齡為20.91 歲(SD = 1.75)為實驗組;以及招募14 位平均年齡為21.72 歲(SD = 0.92)的大學生為控制組。使用魏氏成人智力量表第三版評估個體智力,並以靜息態大腦取向分析數理資優個體與一般人的智力與其大腦區域同質性之相關。本研究通過臺北醫學大學行為與社會科學研究倫理委員會之審查。所有參與者皆在瞭解研究內容並簽署知情同意書之後才進行研究。研究結果發現,在包含數理資優與一般樣本中,智力與雙側額中廻、右側前扣帶廻、左側視丘之區域同質性皆為正相關。另一方面,排除年齡與智力影響後,數理資優個體在雙側中央前迴、頂上葉、額上廻、海馬旁廻、顳中廻與舌狀廻與一般人運作不同。此項結果驗證數理資優與智力資優在生理特質有同有異,靜息態大腦研究可增進教育工作者對這兩群學生的特質有更進一步瞭解。另外,在鑑定與發掘高智商及數理資優學生時,教育工作者更要思考如何運用不同的工具評量不同類別的資優。
Mathematical and scientific talented (MST) students are often to thought to those who have high intelligence (IQ).Recently, many studies evaluating the neurological mechanism underlying mathematical and scientific talent indicate thatcertain talents are associated with different brain structures. Furthermore, white matter microstructure is connecteddifferently in cases of mathematical and scientific talent and intelligence. However, research evaluating the relationshipbetween MST, IQ, and gray matter microstructure using the method of regional homogeneity is rare. To address thisissue, sixteen MST individuals with average age 20.91 (SD = 1.75) and 14 typically developed undergraduate with averageage 21.72 (SD = 0.92) were recruited to participate this research. Participants were recruited from the Departments ofScience, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Medicine, and Life Science and the Department ofBio-resources and Agriculture of Taiwanese universities. The participants were assessed intelligence using the WechslerAdult Intelligence Scale-III and a resting-state brain approach. The present study was reviewed and approved by theResearch Ethics Center of Taipei Medical University of Taiwan. All the participants signed an informed consent before theexperiment began. The results demonstrated that for both the MST and control groups, intelligence and regionalhomogeneity were positively correlated with the middle frontal gyrus, anterior cingulate, and thalamus. After controlling forthe influence of age and IQ, the local efficiencies of the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes, cingulate cortex, insula, andthalamus were higher in the MST group than those in the control group. These results are consistent with portions ofthe parieto-frontal integration theory that postulate that math-and science and intelligence work together in some brainregions, but operate independently in others. The findings of the present study contribute to a further understanding of thedifferent traits between high IQ and math- and science as well as way to identify different kinds of talents.






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