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根據《臺灣旅宿市場關鍵趨勢》報告指出,臺灣平均住房率隨著進入後疫情時 代,在 2022 年期間整體上升 28%,而其中近五成的訂單來自訂房平台(Online Travel Agency, OTA),然而藉由 OTA 訂房的途徑來進行訂房行為,雖然能提高 飯店的曝光度及提供穩定的銷售,但需負擔高額的抽佣且容易受到平台所牽制 以及管理上的困難。本研究採用雙鑽石模型設計方法作為設計思考流程,經由 文獻資料探討消費者的訂房行為流程以及使用平台,整理出飯店分級和服務規 範、訂房平台比較、消費者對網站的要求,以及使用者中心概念原則和介面設 計準則。在了解消費者的行為趨勢與使用者中心原則後,進一步分析問卷資料 設計半結構式訪談內容,經訪談悉知消費者的期望及痛點以和飯店業者的實際 限制進行比對,透過調查及訪談結果得知,臺灣的中小型飯店業者無法有效將 訂單倒回自身官網的關鍵因素,是受限於技術層面的限制與人力資源的匱乏。 本研究將使用者調查分析結果應用於創作中,設計出針對協助臺灣中小型飯店 業的網站作為設計解決方案,分別為提供飯店官網所需資訊的教學平台以及運 用智能科技製作官網及尋找人力的網站,改善飯店業者技術限制與缺工狀況, 同時提升求職者獲取飯店的工作機會,並有助於設計者在執行相關類型介面設 計時作為設計方針,以供後續介面設計相關研究之參考。
Based on the "Key Trends in Taiwan's Lodging Market" report, Taiwan's average hotel occupancy rate increased by 28% in 2022 in the post-pandemic era, with almost half of the bookings originating from Online Travel Agencies (OTA). However, while using OTA for room reservations may provide stable sales and exposure, it also incurs high commissions and can be challenging to manage due to platform restrictions. The study used the Double Diamond Model as a design thinking process to investigate consumer booking behavior and platform usage. After analyzing hotel grading and service standards, OTA comparison, consumer website requirements, user-centered design principles, and interface design guidelines, the study conducted semi-structured interviews to identify consumer and hotelier expectations and pain points. The investigation revealed that small and medium-sized hoteliers in Taiwan struggled to redirect bookings to their official websites due to technical limitations and the need for more human resources. The study designed two platforms for Taiwanese small and medium-sized hoteliers to address these issues. The e-learning platform shows the need for official hotel websites, and the other provides official website creation, hotel talent recruitment, and job-seeking assistance using intelligent technology. Overall, this study aims to solve hoteliers' high commission and labor shortage problems, enhance job opportunities for job seekers in the hotel industry, and provide a reference for future interface design research.
Based on the "Key Trends in Taiwan's Lodging Market" report, Taiwan's average hotel occupancy rate increased by 28% in 2022 in the post-pandemic era, with almost half of the bookings originating from Online Travel Agencies (OTA). However, while using OTA for room reservations may provide stable sales and exposure, it also incurs high commissions and can be challenging to manage due to platform restrictions. The study used the Double Diamond Model as a design thinking process to investigate consumer booking behavior and platform usage. After analyzing hotel grading and service standards, OTA comparison, consumer website requirements, user-centered design principles, and interface design guidelines, the study conducted semi-structured interviews to identify consumer and hotelier expectations and pain points. The investigation revealed that small and medium-sized hoteliers in Taiwan struggled to redirect bookings to their official websites due to technical limitations and the need for more human resources. The study designed two platforms for Taiwanese small and medium-sized hoteliers to address these issues. The e-learning platform shows the need for official hotel websites, and the other provides official website creation, hotel talent recruitment, and job-seeking assistance using intelligent technology. Overall, this study aims to solve hoteliers' high commission and labor shortage problems, enhance job opportunities for job seekers in the hotel industry, and provide a reference for future interface design research.
介面設計, 求職網站, 使用者中心設計, 飯店官網, Interface Design, ob-searching Website, User-centered Design, Hotel Official Website