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目的:旨在探討體操平衡訓練對大專一般女生下肢穩定性之影響。方法:由20 名大專一般女生分為實驗組及控制組,實驗組介入維持六週,每週三次的平衡增能課表訓練,控制組則不介入訓練。在訓練前、後分別進行開眼及閉眼單足站立、垂直蹲跳、原地垂直跳轉180°及高台落地等測驗,並以相依樣本t 考驗與獨立樣本t 考驗分別進行考驗比較 (α=.05)。結果:進行為期六週的體操平衡訓練後,實驗組一般女生檢測項目統計結果全部達到顯著性的差異;而控制組經實驗後檢測,僅部份達顯著差異,其餘則未達顯著性差異。結論:研究結果中了解到,平衡能力對下肢穩定性的表現有某程度的影響。利用為期六週,每週三次的體操平衡訓練介入,對大專一般女生下肢穩定性動作表現達顯著性的進步。
Purpose: to investigate the effects of gymnastic balance training on lower limbs stability of the general college females. Methods: 20 general college females were divided into the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group maintained balanced curriculum training three times per week for six weeks, and the control group received no intervention of training. Before and after the training, respectively, the subjects from both groups conducted single-leg stance test with and without eyes opened, Squat Jump test, vertical jumping 180° test and the high ground jumping test. The dependent sample t test and the independent sample t test were conducted for statistics (α = .05). Results: After six-week gymnastic balance training, all parameter in the experimental group significantly improved according to the statistical analysis; as for the subjects in the control group, there were no significant differences shown instead. Conclusion: According to the findings learned from the research, there is a certain degree of balance effect on the performance of the stability of the lower limbs. The use of a six-week, three times a week gymnastic balance training intervention generally resulted in a significant improvement on lower limbs stability of the general college females.



體操, 平衡能力, 穩定性, gymnastics, Balance ability, Stability





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