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新冠肺炎疫情於2019年年底爆發後,使得全球有將近10億人被禁足在家中。也影響及學校的教學的模式,由實體全面進入虛擬線上。本研究以美國華盛頓特區公立特許學校(District of Columbia International School, DCI)國中部學生為研究對象。探究從2020年3月中旬開始,因應美國DC政府頒布各校學生採取線上教學之要求的教學實務,以及DCI之因應策略,並學生之學習動機之影響與感受。經由問卷研究之進行,得出四項結論:1. 線上教學降低了疫情衝擊,使學生能夠持續學習。2.經由線上教學之進行,能夠有效促進師生關係;3.經由線上教學之進行,促使了教師對學生與家長關係的理解;4.研究對象與線上教學回饋具有正向關連。
After the outbreak of COVID-19 occurred in late 2019, nearly 1 billion people worldwide to be grounded from home. It also affects the teaching mode of the school, from the entity to the virtual online. In this study, the subjects were aimed to middle school students of District of Columbia International School (DCI), and the investigation started from the middle of March 2020. This paper explores the practical teaching and the coping strategies of DCI; moreover, the influence and feeling of students' learning motivation according to the requirements of American DC government. Through the Questionnaire Survey, four conclusions are drawn: 1. Online teaching reduces the impact of the epidemic and enables students to continue learning. 2. Online teaching can effectively promote the relationship between teachers and students. 3. Through the online teaching, teachers have a better understanding of the relationship between students and their parents. 4. There is a positive correlation between theresearch object and online teaching feedback.
After the outbreak of COVID-19 occurred in late 2019, nearly 1 billion people worldwide to be grounded from home. It also affects the teaching mode of the school, from the entity to the virtual online. In this study, the subjects were aimed to middle school students of District of Columbia International School (DCI), and the investigation started from the middle of March 2020. This paper explores the practical teaching and the coping strategies of DCI; moreover, the influence and feeling of students' learning motivation according to the requirements of American DC government. Through the Questionnaire Survey, four conclusions are drawn: 1. Online teaching reduces the impact of the epidemic and enables students to continue learning. 2. Online teaching can effectively promote the relationship between teachers and students. 3. Through the online teaching, teachers have a better understanding of the relationship between students and their parents. 4. There is a positive correlation between theresearch object and online teaching feedback.
新冠肺炎, 疫情, 線上教學, DCI, 美國中文學校, 國際文憑學校, COVID-19, epidemic, online teaching, DCI, American Chinese School, International Baccalaureate