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2019年末新冠肺炎疫情爆發,時至2021年我國本土疫情仍持續嚴峻,公務人員業務量激增情形時有所聞,此一時空背景下將使公務人員體認到自身工作的重要性,進而更加戮力從公以奉獻社會,抑或工作負荷過重所導致的工作生活不平衡將削弱原有的公共服務熱忱?此時的公務人員是否仍堅信自身有能力完成各項任務?對於工作的滿意程度為何?均為本研究所關注之焦點。本研究旨在探討公務人員工作生活平衡與工作滿意度之關係,瞭解公務人員工作生活平衡、工作滿意度、公共服務動機與自我效能感之現況與不同背景變項下的差異情形,又進一步探究變項間之關聯與對工作滿意度的預測力,並檢驗工作生活平衡能否依序透過公共服務動機與自我效能感間接預測工作滿意度。 本研究採用次級資料分析法,分析資料取自「台灣政經傳播研究中心(Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research, TIGCR)」2021年文官定群追蹤調查,並以服務於行政院及所屬機關之公務人員為研究對象,共計1,240人。研究工具包含「工作生活平衡量表」、「工作滿意度量表」、「公共服務動機量表」與「自我效能感量表」,在分析方法上採用描述性統計、信度分析、效度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及迴歸分析,並使用統計軟體SPSS外掛PROCESS程式檢驗序列中介效果。 研究結果顯示,不同背景變項(性別、學歷、官等、主管職、工作性質及婚姻狀態)的公務人員在工作生活平衡、工作滿意度、公共服務動機與自我效能感的差異情形上,「性別」在各研究變項間均無顯著差異;「學歷、工作性質、婚姻狀態」在部分研究變項間有顯著差異;「官等、主管職」在各研究變項間均有顯著差異。其次,公務人員的工作生活平衡、工作滿意度、公共服務動機與自我效能感等各變項間呈顯著正相關,且工作生活平衡、公共服務動機與自我效能感可顯著且正向預測工作滿意度。最後,公務人員的公共服務動機與自我效能感在工作生活平衡與工作滿意度間存在著中介效果,且公共服務動機與自我效能感對工作生活平衡與工作滿意度具有序列中介效果。本研究依據上開研究結果進行討論,並提出具體建議供未來學術研究與公部門實務之參考。
At the end of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, and by 2021, the domestic epidemic situation remained severe. The significant increase in workload for public servants has been frequently reported. In this context, will public servants recognize the importance of their work and be more committed to serving society? Or will the heavy workload and work-life imbalance diminish their enthusiasm for public service? Do public servants still believe in their ability to complete tasks? What is their level of job satisfaction? These are the key focuses of this study.The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction among public servants, to understand the current status of work-life balance, job satisfaction, public service motivation, and self-efficacy, as well as the differences in different background variables. Furthermore, to explore the correlations between variables and their predictive power on job satisfaction. Additionally, to examine whether work-life balance can sequentially predict jobsatisfaction through public service motivation and self-efficacy.In this study, secondary data analysis was used, and the data were obtained from the Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research (TIGCR) 2021 public servants cohort tracking survey, which was conducted with 1,240 civil servants from the Executive Yuan and its affiliated agencies. The instruments used in the study included Work-Life Balance Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale, Public Service Motivation Scale, and Self-Efficacy Scale. In terms of analysis methods, descriptive statistics, re-liability analysis, validity analysis, independent samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson correlation analysis, and regression analysis were employed. Additionally, The PROCESS macro for SPSS to examine sequential mediation effects.The results showed that among public servants with different background variables (gender, educational level, rank, supervisory position, nature of work and marital status), there are varying levels of differences in work-life balance, job satisfaction, public service motivation, and self-efficacy. "Gender" showed no significant differences across all research variables. "education level, nature of work, and marital status" had significant differences in some of the research variables, while “rank and supervisory position” exhibited significant differences across all research variables. Additionally, There were significant positive relationship among the variables of work-life balance, job satisfaction, public service motivation, and self-efficacy. Moreover, work-life balance, public service motivation and self-efficacy were significant positive predictors of job satisfaction. Finally, Public service motivation and self-efficacy were found to have mediating effects between work-life balance and job satisfaction, and they also exhibited sequential mediators between work-life balance and job satisfaction.Based on the results of this study, discussions and specific recommendations were proposed for future academic research and practical applications in the public sector.



公務人員, 工作生活平衡, 工作滿意度, 公共服務動機, 自我效能感, public servants, work-life balance, job satisfaction, public service motivation, self-efficacy





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