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本研究旨在建構新移民華語文第二語言網路課程教學平台,從了解新移民學習背景及需求之後實施實證研究,運用Sagor(1993)提出的行動研究方法於實證研究步驟上形成新移民華語文網路課程的內容。包括:進行語料編碼、編寫課文內容並且進行分析。完成課文模組之後進一步規劃教學單元,包括:語言及注音拼音、人物介紹、生詞練習、漢字練習、語法練習等。並以內容架構針對個別新移民進行實證研究。通過280分鐘的華語文體驗課程,從新移民使用者的回饋加以修正教學內容。另外也通過焦點團體討論及評估納入修正課程的參考意見。教學後的結果顯示所有學習者都對「新移民華語學習網」的教學課程表示滿意,並希望可以增加更多練習形式及多媒體輔助工具。 專家訪談的主要結果為製作新移民華語教學平台必須有一個合作團隊,包括:學者專家、網站企劃人員、雙語雙文化教師、網路技術人員、配音及錄影人員等。同步教學的網路課程需要克服的問題是教學過程網路頻寬影響的時間差;而非同步無法馬上解決學習者的問題。 「新移民學習華語文網路課程需求問卷」主要調查結果為有62%新移民每天都用國際網路查詢,表示以網路進行新移民華語教學是可行的;在學習地點方面41%希望可跟老師同步上線進行華語文學習,33%希望結合同步與非同步課程上課模式。本研究頻台採同步及非同步並行教學。調查顯示新移民最熟悉的是用母國語言電腦字幕,均數為4.21(最高為5分),其次為中文電腦字幕,均數為4.04,因此本研究採用越南語及中文雙語教學平台介面。調查結果顯示新移民對注音及拼音輔助需求兩者均數都達3.9,因此採用注音、拼音並行的標注。調查顯示新移民最希望用母語來註解課文中的生詞及語法,均數為3.88,因此本教學平台採用越南語加以註解。 此外,本研究根據新移民華語網路課程內容學習需求,設計教學主題單元:生活會話有七個主題,醫院、家庭、購物、辦事單位、公司與工作、學校、交通;閱讀有四個主題,醫院、家庭、學校、辦事單位。寫作有四個主題,醫院、家庭、公司與工作、辦事單位。新移民華語文教學模式就是系統化的教學過程,過程裡需要考慮到新移民學習特性、第二語言教學理論與課程發展模式。決定課程內容、順序、架構的語料來源是通過新移民團體進行語料蒐集或參考先前新移民華語文教材主題及句式。透過分析國內外的新移民教學平台,建構本研究網路課程。本研究利用影片結合圖片,以多元豐富的練習形式訓練學習者華語文聽、說、讀、寫的能力,建置適合新移民華語線上教學平台。
The purpose of this study is to establish an online teaching platform for new immigrant learning Chinese as a second language. This paper used Sagor (1993) proposed action research method for forming a new immigrant Chinese language Internet content courses on empirical research steps in order to develop the content of the online Chinese course for new immigrants based on their learning background and learning needs. Teaching units such as pinyin, people in the story, vocabulary drills, character drills, and syntax drills were included after the lesson module was completed. Action research was conducted on individual new immigrant based on the content structure of the lesson. After 280 minutes of pilot teaching, the content was revised based on the feedbacks received. Group discussions and evaluations were also conducted to help with content revision. Results from the pilot teaching showed that learners were satisfied with the content. Learners also expressed the desire for more drills and multimedia assisted learning tools. Interviews with experts revealed the necessity of combined group effort in establishing a teaching platform. This group would include scholars, website developers, bilingual and bicultural instructors, website technicians, voice-over and filming specialists. Simultaneous online instructions need to take into account band width and time differences; non-simultaneous instructions need to consider the problem of delayed response to learners’ questioning. Survey on online Chinese course indicated that 62% of new immigrants use the Internet, suggesting the feasibility of learning online. Forty-one percent wished to engage in simultaneous instruction, 33% wished to combine simultaneous and non-simultaneous instruction. The online platform of this study uses both simultaneous and non-simultaneous instructions. New immigrants preferred to use the computer in their mother language (average 4.21, highest being 5) and Chinese (average 4.04). Therefore the platform adopts both Chinese and Vietnamese interfaces. Average for Zhuyin and Pinyin was 3.9, therefore characters are coded in both systems. They preferred glosses to be written in their mother language (average 3.88), therefore glosses and syntax are explained in Vietnamese. Programming teaching units: Life conversation has seven themes, hospitals, family, shopping, work units, companies and jobs, schools, transportation; reading has four themes, hospitals, homes, schools, work units. Writing has four themes, hospitals, families, companies and work, work units. Language instruction for new immigrants is rather systematic, in addition to the learners’ learning styles, second language instruction theories and lesson development must also be considered. The content of the lessons, order to the lessons, and the vocabulary framework came from new immigrant corpuses or existing teaching materials for new immigrants. Existing teaching platforms in Taiwan and abroad were analyzed to develop this current one. The teaching platform developed from this current study combines videos and still images to give learners suitable and rich exercises and drills to help them develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Keywords: Second language instruction mode, New immigrants, Online Chinese course, Distance teaching, Vietnamese learners



第二語教學模式, 華語網路課程, 越南語學習者, 新移民, 遠距教學, Second language instruction mode, New immigrants, Online Chinese course, Distance teaching, Vietnamese learners





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