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在醫療照護團隊中,護理人員有較高職業安全衛生與身心健康問題上 的顧慮,是醫院職業健康危害的高危險群。因此醫院如何推動職業傷害及 健康促進的概念,使臨床護理人員重視其職業安全並促進健康,是非常值 得進一步去努力的。 本研究擬運用網際網路,發展符合護理人員需求之健康促進內容於醫 院職場中實施並評估其成效。研究擬以兩年的時間完成,第一年收集護理 人員對於職業健康危害之健康信念、在健康促進行為上之現況以及職場有 關健康促進之政策與組織及健康促進計畫需求等資料,以建立護理人員職 場健康促進之背景資料;第二年則利用第一年所得資料,建立醫院職場健 康促進網路,發展健康促進介入計畫,以增進護理人員預防職業健康危害 之護理技巧及促進健康行為。研究成果可作為醫院推展健康促進計畫實施 內容與策略之參考。
Of the health care workers, nurses are the most dangerous people to suffer from occupational injuries in hospitals. They have higher occupational safety problems, and have more physical and mental health difficulties. Nurses』 occupational health was threatened. It』s important and necessary to implement hospital occupational safety attitude, awareness and knowledge for nurses in hospitals. This study was designed to develop an effective occupational safety and health program on internet to nurses, trying to determine the efficacy of a health educational intervention in the hospital. First year, we will collect the nurses』 attitude, awareness and knowledge about occupational injuries in hospitals. Second year, we will make use of the survey that we collected in first year to develop web pages let the nurses understand the importance of the hospital occupational safety and health.
Of the health care workers, nurses are the most dangerous people to suffer from occupational injuries in hospitals. They have higher occupational safety problems, and have more physical and mental health difficulties. Nurses』 occupational health was threatened. It』s important and necessary to implement hospital occupational safety attitude, awareness and knowledge for nurses in hospitals. This study was designed to develop an effective occupational safety and health program on internet to nurses, trying to determine the efficacy of a health educational intervention in the hospital. First year, we will collect the nurses』 attitude, awareness and knowledge about occupational injuries in hospitals. Second year, we will make use of the survey that we collected in first year to develop web pages let the nurses understand the importance of the hospital occupational safety and health.