
dc.contributorLin Yu-Teeen_US
dc.contributor.authorChu Jo-Yingen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文旨在探究日治時期西方近代教育思想之發展,並以公學校教學法為例。日治時期所發展的教育思想,主要是由日本輸入近代歐美教育思想,途徑為學者或教師在師範教育、教育雜誌與著作中傳播新的教育理念,藉以將該思潮引入臺灣。因此,日治時期教育思想的研究,應著眼於西方近代教育思想與日本近代史的脈動中進行探討。 日治時期的教育思想與教學法,每一時期所呈現的特色各有不同。第一階段-1895年至1918年,為歐美教育思想之引進期與教學法漸趨完備。第二階段-1919年至1930年,歐美教育思想之興盛期與兒童中心教學論。第三階段-1931年至1936年,歐美教育思想之多元期與複合式教學法。第四階段-1937年至1945年,歐美教育思想之變質期與磨鍊育成教學法。 本論文研究發現,日治時期的教育思想與西方近代教育學說有密切關係,包括Pesstolozi、Herbart的教育思想、以美國Dewey為主的兒童中心學說、德國的人格主義與文化教育學、工作教育思想、鄉土教育思想等依序傳入臺灣,並在臺灣教育界造成風潮。公學校的教學法,亦追隨教育思想的潮流,呈現出現代進步的元素,如重視兒童個別差異、生活化教學與直觀教學等。 本論文研究貢獻主要有二,首先,補足臺灣在教育思想史的空白之處:臺灣教育界正因歷經數種不同統治者的歷史,時人必須正視臺灣由日本、中國、臺灣學者引進的西方各種教育思想派別,促使現今的臺灣能開出更璀璨、更多元之教育學術花朵。 其次,擴大本土教育思想的時空座標之視野:本文將日治時期教育思想的發展脈絡進行釐清與探究,進而勾勒出臺灣教育學的歷史脈絡與整體圖像,將有助於未來發展臺灣教育學說的本土化。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis, the development of Western modern educational discipline during Japanese colonial period was studied, and the pedagogy of public elementary school was used as the example. The Western modern educational discipline developed during the Japanese colonial period was imported from Japan which originated from Europe and the United States of America. It was propagated to Taiwan by teachers who were trained in the higher-education institutions and by the educational magazines and books published by scholars and teachers. Thus, the study of educational discipline during Japanese colonial period should be focused on connections between Western modern educational discipline and Japan modern history. The educational discipline and pedagogy during Japanese governed period presented different characteristics in each stage as follows. In the first stage (1895-1918), Western educational discipline was introduced and the pedagogy approached completion. In the second stage (1919-1930), Western educational discipline and the pedagogy of child-centeredness blossomed. The third stage (1931-1936), the diversification of Western educational discipline and the pedagogy of combination began. The forth stage (1937-1945), the deterioration of Western educational discipline and the pedagogy of disciplined training emerged. The thesis discovered that educational discipline during Japanese governed period was closely related with Western modern educational discipline, including Pesstolozi’s and Herbart’s educational discipline, Dewey’s child-centeredness from America, Persönlichkeitspädagogik and Kulturpädagogik of Germany, Arbeitspaedagogik and Heimatkunde. These were introduced to Taiwan sequentially and brought about great popularity among Taiwan educational circles. The pedagogy of public elementary school also followed the tide of educational discipline and revealed elements of modern progress, such as emphasizing individual differences amongst students, living pedagogy and the intuitive teaching. The thesis provides two important contributions to academic research. First, the study filled in a blank space in Taiwan’s educational discipline history. Due to the fact that Taiwan had been governed by different rulers in recent centuries, contemporaries should study the different Western educational disciplines introduced by Japanese, Chinese, and Taiwanese scholars in order to flourish more advanced and diversified academic achievements in present Taiwan. Second, the thesis expanded the horizon of space and time coordinates of local educational discipline. The study formulated and discussed the development of educational discipline during Japanese governed period, then drew the historical skeleton of an entirety image of Taiwan educational science, which will be instrumental to develop the localization of Taiwan educational discipline in the future.en_US
dc.subjectWestern modern educational disciplineen_US
dc.subjectJapanese colonial perioden_US
dc.subjectpublic elementary schoolen_US
dc.subjectTaiwan educational historyen_US
dc.titleThe development of Western modern educational discipline during Japanese colonial period and its influence on the pedagogy of public elementary school (1895-1945)en_US

