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Chiung-Chu Wang
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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
無論就閱讀簡單觀點模式、訊息處理理論、閱讀發展或是讀寫障礙者的核心問題來看,個體的字詞能力皆是閱讀理解的關鍵要素。因此,如何進行有效的字詞教學是很重要的閱讀研究議題.本文旨在回顧國內1997 年到2008 年間中文字詞教學研究的現況,文獻來源為發表在有審查制度的期刊論文,共有18 篇﹒結果發現字詞教學研究主題和對象都呈現偏態,成少對小學四年級以上的學生進行字詞教學.研究主題多是探討融入字理,或降低認知負荷的教學介入,對閱言困難學生讀寫字的影響,或將閱讀理解納入成效評量的並不多﹒建設未來的研究可以考慮發展小四以後的字詞補救教學,探究文本調整、自由自主闊論對字詞學習的影響;識字和寫字能力的關連性﹒以及比較不同取向之詞彙教學成效。
Accuracy and fluency of word identification is essential component of reading comprehension, which is a consensus among researchers from variable theoretical perspectives, including simple view of reading, information processing, and reading development, as well as the core deficit of and special education for individuals with dyslexia. The purposes of this literacy review was conducted to examine the findings and limitations of studies on Chinese character and vocabulary instruction published in academic journals from 1997 to 2008, and to offer some suggestions for future research on reading instruction, including to examine effects on word identification caused by expanding the age range of reading instruction participants, exploring the impact of text accommodation, free voluntary reading on word learning, and comparing the effects of different vocabulary instruction approaches
Accuracy and fluency of word identification is essential component of reading comprehension, which is a consensus among researchers from variable theoretical perspectives, including simple view of reading, information processing, and reading development, as well as the core deficit of and special education for individuals with dyslexia. The purposes of this literacy review was conducted to examine the findings and limitations of studies on Chinese character and vocabulary instruction published in academic journals from 1997 to 2008, and to offer some suggestions for future research on reading instruction, including to examine effects on word identification caused by expanding the age range of reading instruction participants, exploring the impact of text accommodation, free voluntary reading on word learning, and comparing the effects of different vocabulary instruction approaches