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一、 大學訪評委員所應具備的評鑑知能,包括三大評鑑學理層面知識與四大評鑑實務層面知能。
二、 「瞭解評鑑標準與原則」是大學訪評委員最應具備且目前已具備之評鑑學理層面之知識。
三、 大學訪評委員最應具備的評鑑實務層面知能為「撰寫評鑑報告」,惟當今大學訪評委員最具備的評鑑實務層面知能是「資料分析與評鑑溝通」。
四、 重要性評定與具備情況評定呈正相關。
五、 當前大學訪評委員需求較高的評鑑知能有四個知能。
六、 評鑑資歷較深的大學訪評委員且曾任大校長或院長者,較評鑑資歷淺者不重視「評鑑研究方法論」。
七、 「擔任過大學訪評委員者」對大學訪評委員在七個評鑑知能之具備情況評鑑上較「他人」(無當任過大學訪評委員但有接觸大學訪評委員經驗者)有信心。
八、 大學「校務管理層級人員」較「院務管理層級人員」重視大學訪評委員在訪評資料分析後能作出有效判斷與結論的能力
九、 當前大學訪評委員較需求的評鑑研習課程為「評鑑標準與原則單元」、「撰寫評鑑報告單元」以及「評鑑溝通單元」。
十、 「案例講析與練習」為最能有效提升大學訪評委員評鑑知能之教學方法。
十一、 大學訪評委員之評鑑研習課程應包括七個課程單元及二十三個課程內容。
The main purpose of this study are to explore the importance, actual possession condition and needs of the evaluation knowledge and skills of university on-site evaluators, and to plan appropriate evaluation workshop and the teaching methods suit to the needs of evaluation knowledge and skills. The study is conducted through questionnaire survey. The reacher targets are experts of educational evaluation, professor who used to be the dean with high reputation, and top administrative management members in the university. Questionnaires were sent to 382 persons, and 152 of which were returned. The returning rate was 68.59% and the valid rate was 67.28%. All the data were processed by SPSS. By means of Mean, Standard, Deviation, t-Test, ANOVA, and Pearson’s Product-Moment Corrrelation, the findings of the analysis are as follows. 1. The evaluation knowledge and skills which university on-site evaluators should have are 3 evaluation knowledge of theoretical aspect and 4 evaluation knowledge and skills of practical aspect. 2. The most important evaluation knowledge of theoretical aspect which university on-site evaluators should possess is “understand evaluation standard and principle”, and nowadays university on-site evaluators already have had this evaluation knowledge. 3. The most important evaluation knowledge and skills of practical aspect which university on-site evaluators should possess is “present evaluated report”, but nowadays the most possessed evaluation knowledge and skills of practical aspect by university on-site evaluators is “data anolysis and evaluation communication”. 4. Importnace assessment and actual possession condition are correlative. 5. There are 4 evaluation knowledge and skills that nowadays university on-site evaluators need best. 6. University on-site evaluators with conciderable experience and used to be university president assess that “evaluation research methodology” is more important than others than who with poor experience. 7. According to actual condition assessment, there are 7 evaluation knowledge and skills assessed higher by the persons who served as university on-site evaluators than others who never serve as university on-site evaluators but have got into connection with university on-site evaluators. 8. “Make effective judgement and conclusion after analyzing the evaluated data” is assessed at higher score by the persons who handle the school administrative matters than others who handle the academic administrative matters. 9. The more needed evaluation course that nowadays university on-site evaluators should attend.are “evaluation standard and principle”, “present evaluated report” and “evaluation communication”. 10. “Case lecture and exercise” are the most effective teaching methods can improve university on-site evaluators’s evaluation knowledge and skills. 11. University on-site evaluators’s evaluation workshop course should include 7 course units and 23 course contents. The researcher also propose some correlative suggestions to higher education evaluation institution, higher education authorities and further researchers.
The main purpose of this study are to explore the importance, actual possession condition and needs of the evaluation knowledge and skills of university on-site evaluators, and to plan appropriate evaluation workshop and the teaching methods suit to the needs of evaluation knowledge and skills. The study is conducted through questionnaire survey. The reacher targets are experts of educational evaluation, professor who used to be the dean with high reputation, and top administrative management members in the university. Questionnaires were sent to 382 persons, and 152 of which were returned. The returning rate was 68.59% and the valid rate was 67.28%. All the data were processed by SPSS. By means of Mean, Standard, Deviation, t-Test, ANOVA, and Pearson’s Product-Moment Corrrelation, the findings of the analysis are as follows. 1. The evaluation knowledge and skills which university on-site evaluators should have are 3 evaluation knowledge of theoretical aspect and 4 evaluation knowledge and skills of practical aspect. 2. The most important evaluation knowledge of theoretical aspect which university on-site evaluators should possess is “understand evaluation standard and principle”, and nowadays university on-site evaluators already have had this evaluation knowledge. 3. The most important evaluation knowledge and skills of practical aspect which university on-site evaluators should possess is “present evaluated report”, but nowadays the most possessed evaluation knowledge and skills of practical aspect by university on-site evaluators is “data anolysis and evaluation communication”. 4. Importnace assessment and actual possession condition are correlative. 5. There are 4 evaluation knowledge and skills that nowadays university on-site evaluators need best. 6. University on-site evaluators with conciderable experience and used to be university president assess that “evaluation research methodology” is more important than others than who with poor experience. 7. According to actual condition assessment, there are 7 evaluation knowledge and skills assessed higher by the persons who served as university on-site evaluators than others who never serve as university on-site evaluators but have got into connection with university on-site evaluators. 8. “Make effective judgement and conclusion after analyzing the evaluated data” is assessed at higher score by the persons who handle the school administrative matters than others who handle the academic administrative matters. 9. The more needed evaluation course that nowadays university on-site evaluators should attend.are “evaluation standard and principle”, “present evaluated report” and “evaluation communication”. 10. “Case lecture and exercise” are the most effective teaching methods can improve university on-site evaluators’s evaluation knowledge and skills. 11. University on-site evaluators’s evaluation workshop course should include 7 course units and 23 course contents. The researcher also propose some correlative suggestions to higher education evaluation institution, higher education authorities and further researchers.
大學訪評委員, 評鑑知能, 需求評估, 研習規劃, university on-site evaluators, evaluation knowledge and skills, need assessment, workshop planning