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本研究分析高中電腦教科書中電腦科學史的篇幅、描述方式、素材形式、內容屬性、教學定位、學習活動、呈現一致性、及參考資源。研究採內容分析法,研究者首先參考相關文獻,並審酌電腦科學特性建立電腦科學史編碼分析表,接著以七套審定本高中電腦教科書為樣本,由研究者本人與一位資深電腦教師共同進行分析工作。 研究結果顯示,電腦教科書中:(1)電腦科學史篇幅偏少;(2)電腦科學史偏重文字描述;(3)甚少呈現電腦科學事件演進關係;(4)電腦科學史內容主要為技術及科學層面;(5)電腦科學史定位為基本學習內容。建議高中電腦教科書應增加電腦科學史篇幅,並增加非文字型式的素材,描述科學史亦應著重在科學事件的演進關係,並多由人文社會觀點描述科學史。
In this study we examined the historical contents of seven high school computer textbooks endorsed by Ministry Of Education. A history content review checklist for analyzing computer science textbooks was developed. The history contents in each textbook were analyzed from the following perspectives: space allocated, description and organization type, material format, contexts related, consistency of presentation, and referring sources. Two coders, the author and a senior high school computer science teacher, co-analyzed the seven textbooks using the checklist. The findings were drawn from the coded results. The findings of the study were as follows: (1) Computer science history contents were presented in a relatively small portion in the textbooks. (2) Most of the history contents were presented in the text format only. (3) Few history contents demonstrated the evolution of computer sciences. (4) Most history contents were described from the technical and scientific perspectives. (5) The history contents were a part of required study in the textbooks. We suggested that future computer textbooks should incorporate more history contents. In addition, history contents should be presented more in the graphical format, more on the relationship between scientific events, and more from the societal and humanistic point of view.



教科書, 電腦科學, 科學史, textbook, computer science, history of science





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