多媒體CLIL華語課程設計與教材編寫研究 - 以性別平等為主題

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當學生的華語文能力達到一定的程度後,其學習需求也變得較多元化。但礙於其工作型態,不少成人學生平日可進行額外學習的時間往往有限。而本研究場域的學員們配合性高,場域管理單位也願意給志工教師更彈性的教學操作空間,故研究者設計、執行了一門內容與語言整合學習 (Content and Language Integrated Learning; CLIL)教學法的華語文課程,並運用了多媒體互動教材進行數位教學。研究者以4Cs核心原則進行課程設計、教材內容編寫及教學實驗,並選用聯合國永續發展目標之「性別平等」為主題,以六個單元探究性別不平等的議題。觀課者填寫「CLIL觀課檢核表」;也請學員們填寫依檢核表所編寫而成的「課後意見調查表」,隨後進行兩份問卷的比較分析,並輔以學習者的課前訪談、觀課者課後訪談、教學者課室觀察紀錄,做進一步之分析。研究結果發現,以「性別平等」為主題的CLIL教材與教學設計皆能有效應用於越南籍學生的華語教學上,而CLIL教學法可作為後續適合外籍成人的主題式華語課程借鑑。
When students’ Chinese language proficiency reaches a certain level, their learning needs become more diversified. However, foreign adult learners have relatively limited time for extra study. The Vietnamese adult students in this study were highly cooperative, and the teaching management unit was also willing to give volunteer teachers a more flexible teaching style. Therefore, the researcher designed and implemented a short-term Content and Language Integrated Learning Chinese language course, and the use of multimedia interactive teaching materials for digital teaching. Based on the core principles of 4Cs, the researcher designed the curriculum and materials needed for the teaching experiment, and selected"Gender Equality" from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a theme to explore the issues of gender inequality in six units. The class observers filled out the "CLIL Class Observation Checklist"; the students were also asked to answer the "Opinion Survey Questionnaire" compiled according to the CLIL checklist, and then conducted a comparative analysis of the two forms, supplemented by interviews and classroom observation records for further analysis. The results found that CLIL's teaching materials and teaching design under the theme of “Gender Equality” can be effectively applied to Chinese language teaching of Vietnamese students, and CLIL framework can be used as a reference for subsequent theme-based Chinese language courses suitable for adult Vietnamese students.



課程設計, 教材編寫, 多媒體, 性別平等, Curriculum Design, Material Design, CLIL, Multimedia, Gender Equality





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