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阿奇.克勞德.德布西 (Achille-Claude Debussy, 1862-1918) 是十九世紀末至二十世紀初相當具代表性的法國作曲家。由於受到不同作曲家、美學觀、異國文化及文學、繪畫、舞蹈等藝術之薰陶,使他具有獨樹一幟的創作風格,也對於後世的音樂產生巨大的影響。德布西的《練習曲》(Etudes, 1915) 具有承先啟後的特質,不僅延續過去練習曲的部分特色,同時也在創作手法及呈現效果方面有著顯著的創新,如不同的曲式結構、多變的和聲與調性、風格、速度和力度上的強烈對比、音色聲響的探究,以及技巧上的難度,使《練習曲》成為他在音樂創作上力求突破的最佳展現。因此,本論文以德布西的十二首《練習曲》為研究主題,藉由瞭解德布西的生平背景、創作風格,及《練習曲》的創作背景,並分析其中的音樂特色,探究德布西鋼琴音樂的獨特語彙,再進一步探討其音樂之詮釋方式。 本論文共分為五章:第一章為緒論,說明筆者的研究動機、目的、範圍與方法;第二章為作曲家背景概述,根據文獻資料概述德布西之生平背景、創作風格形成與影響,及《練習曲》的創作背景與特色;第三章為音樂分析,針對《練習曲》之曲式特色、和聲與調性、速度變化與力度層次進行探討;第四章為詮釋探討,針對速度與拍號變換、音色與觸鍵,及力度與聲部層次三個面向,提出筆者對於音樂詮釋的看法;第五章結語,為全文的統整與總結。期望透過歷史背景、音樂特色及演奏詮釋的探討,能夠洞悉德布西《練習曲》的音樂內涵,並提供個人之詮釋建議供讀者參考。
Achille-Claude Debussy (1862-1918) is the most influential French composer from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century. Under the influence of different composers, aesthetic perspectives, foreign cultures, literature, painting and dance, Debussy’s musical style is unique and has great impact to the music of later generations. Debussy’s Etudes not only succeeds some characteristics of the etudes in the past, but also contains innovation of composing techniques and effects. The innovations of structure, harmony, style, strong contrast of tempo and dynamic, sonority and technical difficulty, make Debussy’s Etudes the most representative compositions of his musical breakthrough. Therefore, this thesis is on the theme of Debussy’s Etudes. Through the studies of Debussy’s biography, musical style, the background and analysis of the Etudes, this thesis investigates the unique language of Debussy’s piano music, including the way of interpretation. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter, preface, describes the motivs, aims, range and methods of research. The second chapter is to investigate Debussy’s biographical background, musical style and influences, and the compositional background and features of the Etudes. The third chapter, the musical analysis of the Etudes, includes musical analysis on structure, harmony, tempo and dynamics. The fourth chapter, the interpretation of the Etudes, focuses on three dimensions: changes of tempo and meter, sonority and touch, dynamics and voice layers. The fifth chapter is the conclusion of the thesis. Through the investigation of historical background, musical characteristics and interpretation, I hope to understand the connotation of Debussy’s Etudes thoroughly, and to provide my personal suggestions of interpretation for readers.



德布西, 《練習曲》, 〈為全部五指〉, 〈為三度〉, 〈為四度〉, 〈為六度〉, 〈為八度〉, 〈為八隻手指〉, 〈為半音階〉, 〈為裝飾音〉, 〈為重複音〉, 〈為對比音〉, 〈為琶音〉, 〈為和弦〉, Debussy, Etudes, pour les “cinq doigts”, pour les Tierces, pour les Quartes, pour les Sixtes, pour les Octaves, pour les huit doigts, pour les degrés chromatiques, pour les agréments, pour les notes répétées, pour les Sonorités opposées, pour les Arpèges composés, pour les accords





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