

The purposes of this thesis were to explore the impact of mobile technology on elementary EFL reading. Three studies were conducted to investigate this issue: (a) Pilot study, aimed at identifying the opportune moment and approaches to apply mobile technology to elementary EFL reading teaching and learning; (b) based on the results of the pilot study, in Experiment I, a mobile-device-supported peer-assisted learning model (MDPAL) was proposed to deal with the weaknesses in a traditionally collaborative learning group; and (c) Experiment II focused on promoting the awareness of elementary EFL learners’ learning responsibility and strengthening the collaborative effect in a learning group. The results of these studies show that the use of mobile devices effectively reduced the identified weaknesses found in the traditional collaborative learning activities. The use of mobile technology in collaborative reading activities benefited elementary EFL learners’ low level linguistic skills development. Besides, the mobile-device-supported responsibility distribution mechanism effectively promoted elementary EFL learners’ awareness of their responsibility to their own learning led to their active, responsible, collaborative learning behaviors, and consequently triggered better or significant progress in early linguistic skills. The analyses have identified effective ways of using mobile devices to support collaborative EFL reading activities.



行動學習, 合作學習, 早期英語閱讀, mobile learning, collaborative learning, early EFL reading





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