
dc.contributorHsieh, Chia-Lingen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Yi-Xiuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以跨語言視角討論中日部落格敘事文章之語用策略及篇章結構。部落格為網路語境中之新興敘事體裁,廣泛運用於寫作教學。由於網路語境之公開性,影響其語言使用,然過去研究未針對部落格敘事採用之各類語用策略進行分析,亦未探索各種語用策略於篇章中之分布情形。再者,過去網路語言文獻不乏跨語言對比之相關討論,然目前學界未有部落格敘事之跨語言研究。有鑑於此,本文欲探討中日部落格敘事文章中不同功能語用策略之運用情形、檢視語用策略與篇章結構之關聯,並歸納中日之異同。 本研究以中日部落格之遊記文章為研究對象,語料來自台灣及日本知名部落格發行平台「痞客邦」及「FC2」中之熱門旅遊部落格。策略分析指出,中日部落格敘事文採用之敘事策略可分為主體策略及輔助策略。主體策略包含敘述、描寫、說明、評估四類,敘述、描寫具表達功能,說明、評估具介紹功能。中日共性在於作者除採用敘事文常見之表達型策略外,亦經常運用說明文常用之介紹型策略,顯示部落格敘事文具高度說明性質,讀寫雙方互動性強。結構分析揭示,介紹型策略於文首及文末佔重要地位,旨在提高讀者理解度,藉此建立讀寫雙方之關係。上述語用及結構特質均源於網路語境之公開性。而中日部落格之差異主要表現於策略類型之多樣性及介紹功能之強度,中文傾向多元策略並用,文章介紹功能亦較強,且重視以表達自我感情之方式吸引讀者;日文則喜好以單一策略敘事,介紹功能較弱,與讀者建立互動時更重視禮貌策略。 本文最後歸納研究成果,提供結合部落格工具、針對中級以上日籍學生敘事、說明寫作技能訓練之教案,期能為科技工具結合語言教學帶來貢獻。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study focuses on the pragmatic strategies and discourse structure of Chinese and Japanese weblog narratives. With the expansion of the Internet, online communication tools have become prevalent forms of interaction in modern society. Among all the new mediums, weblogs have gained widespread popularity as a new genre of narrative, and have been widely applied in teaching writing in second language classrooms. The weblog serves not only as a space for personal storytelling, but also as a space for social networking due to the publicity of Internet context. Previous studies have indicated that there are various interpersonal communicative strategies implemented in weblogs as well as expressive strategies. However, the importance of these strategies still remains unknown. The distribution of different strategies in weblog discourse also remains a question to be explored. Furthermore, there has been ample discussion about cross cultural differences of Internet language, emphasizing the culture diversity in the online context. Nevertheless, little attention to date has been paid to cross-linguistic differences of weblogs. This study aims to contrast the pragmatic strategies implemented in Chinese and Japanese weblogs, and to look further into their distribution in weblog discourse. Chinese and Japanese weblog narratives are also compared to examine cross-linguistic differences between weblogs that belong to different cultures. A random sample of Chinese and Japanese travel stories were collected from the top travel weblogs in PIXNET and FC2, the most widely known blog service platforms in Taiwan and Japan. The analysis of strategies reveals that both Chinese and Japanese web loggers narrate with expositive strategies, and expositive strategies are of equal importance with expressive strategies, indicating that in addition to the expressive function, the expositive function is significant in weblog narratives as well. The analysis of discourse structure shows that expositive strategies are frequently used in the orientation and coda of the story to build and enhance writer-reader connection. These features can be attributed to the open nature of online context. On the other hand, Chinese and Japanese also differ in the preference of strategic types and the significance of expositve function. Chinese tends to combine multiple strategies into the story and emphasizes emotional strategies such to achieve interactional effects, while Japanese tends to employ a single strategy to advance the development of the story, and prefer using strategies such as request and appreciation to achieve politeness. In addition, the influence of expositive function is greater in Chinese weblogs than in Japanese weblogs. The findings of this study will be applied in Chinese as second language writing classrooms for intermediate Japanese students. The aim is to use weblogs to enhance their writing ability of narration and exposition in Chinese.en_US
dc.subjectpragmatic strategiesen_US
dc.subjectChinese/ Japaneseen_US
dc.subjectteaching writingen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Pragmatic Strategies and Discourse Structure of Weblog Narratives in Chinese and Japanese and Pedagogical Applicationsen_US

