

本研究主要探究高雄市國民小學校長授能領導與組織學習之關係,探討在不同背景因素下,授能領導與組織學習之表現情形,並分析兩者之關係。本研究主要透過問卷調查,輔以訪談,並將研究範圍設在高雄市國小教育場域。在問卷調查方面,共抽取52所學校996位成員,回收856份,有效樣本844份,將所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸、徑路分析、典型相關、集群分析及區別分析等統計方法進行分析。在訪談方面,依研究需求選取3所學校,以半結構式的訪談大綱,針對9位學校人員進行訪談。 本研究根據實徵研究資料,獲致以下結論: 一、高雄市國民小學校長授能領導與組織學習之現況為中上及中等程度,仍有加強空間。 二、教師背景變項中的性別、年齡、服務年資及教師職務會影響授能領導與組織學習之知覺。 (一)女性教師在授能領導或組織學習之知覺皆低於男性。 (二)年齡及服務年資在授能領導與組織學習的知覺,均是資深教師高於資淺教師。 (三)兼任主任之教師,在校長授能領導與組織學習之知覺高於一般教師。 三、不同學校創辦歷史長短,教師對校長授能領導之知覺沒有差異,但創辦在11-20年之學校,在組織學習知覺較低。 四、校長授能領導與組織學習歷程及組織學習結果均有顯著相關,校長授能領導愈好,組織學習歷程及組織學習結果愈佳。 五、校長授能領導、組織學習歷程、組織學習結果三者存在路徑關係。 六、校長增能訊息與參與管理兩者為互補性策略。 七、高雄市受試之國小組織學習呈現雙極化現象。 八、高雄市受試之國小授能領導得分情形可概分為四群。 九、個案學校組織脈絡會影響到校長增能策略及其效能。 十、個案學校校長本身的權力觀會影響領導風格。 十一、個案學校校長採用的心智與增能策略是推動學習型組織的關鍵。 十二、高低組織學習之個案學校校長授能領導策略有其差異。 基於上述結論,本研究對主管教育行政機關、國民小學及後續研究提出下述建議: 一、對主管教育行政機關之建議 (一)鼓勵鄰近學校跨校合作,挹注經費支持校際間合作交流。 (二)將權力知能列入校長儲訓課程,深植優質權力典範。 (三)落實初任校長輔導制度,以傳承寶貴治校經驗。 (四)明確訂定減班超額教師辦法,避免校內產生糾紛。 二、對國民小學的建議 (一)對學校行政單位的建議 1.建立各處室人員輪調工作,鼓勵女性教師擔任行政工作。 2.校長應真誠傾聽溝通,強調校園關懷、正義倫理。 3.校長應鼓勵教師參與校務決策,增進對學校歸屬與認同感。 4.減輕教師工作負擔,並賦予新的工作意義。 5.籌組異質的班群或學年團隊,給予挑戰性任務,以刺激成長。 6.檢討研習進修內容,建立同儕分享機制及專業取向的學習課程。 7.與他校建立策略聯盟關係,活絡教師交換教學。 8.設立共同學習機制,使成員有機會相互學習。 (二)對教師的建議 1.扮演起轉化型知識份子,勇於反省與批判。 2.在團隊中展現自信及信任他人。 3.培養第二專長,保持競爭優勢。 4.樂於與同儕分享學習或教學經驗。 三、對後續相關研究的建議 (一)研究校長授能領導與其他變項之關係。 (二)研究不同組織學習階段學校。
The main purposes of this study were to investigate the current situation of empowering leadership and organizational learning in Kaohsiung City elementary schools, to analyze the differences between the two factors when presented in different situations, and to explore the relationship between the two factors. Both quantitative data from questionnaire survey and qualitative data from interview were used in this study. The 996 subjects were randomly sampled from 52 elementary schools in Kaohsiung City, and 844 effective questionnaires were collected. With regard to the data analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, multiple regression, path analysis, canonical correlation, hierarchical cluster analysis and discriminant analysis were used. Nine participants who were recruited from three elementary schools in Kaohsiung City were interviewed. According to the findings of the study, conclusions are synthesized as follows: I.Teachers’ perceptions of the empowering leadership and organizational learning in elementary schools in Kaohsiung City was intermediate to higher-intermediate. II.There was a significant difference in teachers’ perceptions of empowering leadership in elementary schools in Kaohsiung City due to the differences of the participants’ gender, age, work seniority, present position. III.There was a significant difference in teachers’ perceptions of organizational learning in elementary schools in Kaohsiung City due to the differences of school history. IV.It showed the positive correlation between empowering leadership and organizational learning in elementary schools in Kaohsiung City. Moreover, empowering leadership served as a predictable factor to organizational learning processes or outcomes in elementary schools in Kaohsiung City. V.It had a prominent path relationship among empowering leadership, organizational learning processes, and organizational learning outcomes. VI.Providing empowering information and shared governance were complementary strategies. VII.The 52 sampled schools in Kaohsiung City displayed a bipolar pattern of distribution on organizational learning. VIII.By cluster analysis of teachers’ perceptions of empowering leadership in the 52 sampled schools in Kaohsiung City, four clusters emerged. IX.The organizational contexts in different schools affected the performances of empowering leadership. X.The principals’ concepts of power influenced their leadership styles. XI.The mentality and empowering strategies adopted by principals in pushing their schools along the path toward learning organization seemed critical. XII.There was a significant difference in teachers’ perceptions of empowering leadership between schools of the high process and high outcome and the low process and low outcome in terms of organizational learning development. Based on the research findings, several suggestions are offered for authorities of educational administration, elementary schools, and future research.



授能領導, 組織學習, empowering leadership, organizational learning





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